Julie Barber
Hazel holds a sign while walking down 4th street in downtown Corvallis. Hazel was advocating for women’s rights at the Women’s Wave on Saturday.
“Seriously?! Grandma already marched for this!”
This was just one of the many phrases held on a wave of signs that were honked at by passersby in support of the Women’s Wave on Saturday morning outside the Corvallis Courthouse.
The Women’s Wave was a rally of approximately 40 individuals against the overturning of Roe v. Wade and brought attention to the importance of voting outside of the Corvallis Courthouse held on Oct. 8, 2022.
Oregon Senator Sara Gelser Blouin is one of multiple speakers who came to the event.
“When I woke up the day after Dobbs and realized that all of a sudden, my daughters had less rights than I was born with… that was stunning,” Gelser Blouin said, looking out from the steps of the Corvallis Courthouse.
Dobbs was a decision made by the Supreme Court in 2022 in which they decided that the U.S. Constitution does not carry the right to abortion.
Gelser Blouin said her team is working hard to ensure Oregon stays a safe haven for those who need healthcare and can receive it without harm or punishment.
Mike Huntington, a radiation oncologist, also spoke at the event about the importance of womens’ healthcare when it comes to abortion rights.
“In the pre-Roe v. Wade era it was not uncommon to see women with severe hemorrage or sepsis from illegal and often botched back-alley abortions. Many of those women died,” Huntington said.
According to Huntington, after Roe when abortions became legal in medical practices, it became rare to see tragic outcomes. However, the mortality rates are increasing with the recent decision by the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade.
The microphone was open to anyone in the rally who had a few words to share about women’s rights with the group.
Many of the individuals who came to speak on the steps of the Corvallis Courthouse shared their stories, their friend’s stories, and their family’s stories about abortion and the rights of women regarding their bodies.
“Abortion is more than a womens’ issue. It’s a huge issue. It’s a trans rights issue and has compounding effects for poor women, for women of color, for trans men. People who have the ability to fight should be fighting,” said Oregon State University student Hazel Curley O’Malley.
When Roe v. Wade was overturned, Evangeline Jorjorian cried.
“It was just such an overwhelming feeling because I grew up with the privilege of knowing that I had a right to my own body,” Jorjorian said.
Jorjorian believes that no matter which state you are from, it is still important to fight for abortion rights because the more states that keep it legal, the more likely the Supreme Court will bring back Roe v. Wade.
“As far as the abortion issue, until men can get pregnant, then I don’t think they should have a vote,” said Marilyn Hinds, one of the coordinators of the event.
Hinds believes that rallies bring attention to issues by bringing individuals together. Cars and other passersby around the area see the signs and gathering of people and it brings attention to the problem at hand.
“I think most of all it’s encouraging to see that so many other people believe as you do and support the same things,” Hinds said.
According to Hinds, if the individuals opposed to abortion raised all of the unwanted babies and gave them love and an education, she might feel differently. But until then, she plans to keep fighting for pro-choice just like everyone else who turned up in support at the Women’s Wave.