Aisling Gazzo
Inside Dixon Recreation Center on the Oregon State Campus, November 13th, 2023.
It’s a situation many are familiar with.
You make a New Year’s resolution. You buy protein powder, a workout planner, maybe even a new pair of running shoes. You imagine walking into Dixon Recreation Center at 7 a.m., ready to break a sweat. You imagine the sense of personal satisfaction you will earn as you increase your weight, distance, speed.
When winter term starts you work out a couple of times, but gradually the protein powder is shoved to the back of the cabinet, the planner is left blank, the shoes go back in the box and are stuffed in your closet.
Dixon Recreation Center at Oregon State University offers students opportunities to keep their shoes out of the closet this winter, advertising everything from group fitness classes, to personal training and intramural sports.
According to Brian Hustoles, the associate director of marketing and communications, there will be 20 different intramural sports and 39 sports-related clubs available to students this winter. The intramurals listed on the Recreational Sports website include basketball, bowling, badminton, Mario Kart 8 and water Battleship, while sports clubs include Archery Club, Cycling Club, Running Club and Indoor Rock Climbing.
Hustoles said that intramural sports is offering 14 free events this winter term. To access the full range of intramural offerings students can purchase a $20 IM pass and create an IMLeagues account. Registration for IM sports starts on Dec. 4 and is available on the Rec Sports website.
According to Hustoles, sport clubs are open to all students and Rec Sports members and can be joined using the sport club database which can be found on the Rec Sports website. Hustoles added that, unlike intramural sports, the sport clubs are run by students, have regularly scheduled practices, and give students the opportunity to compete against other schools.
Other than organized sports, weekly group fitness classes, fitness foundation classes and special classes will also be offered, said Hustoles. The Rec Sports website states that group fitness classes are offered to Rec Sports members or OSU students through the purchase of a Group Fitness Pass, which is $5 per day or $20 a term, and can be purchased online. The group fitness class schedule lists offerings including hydroHIIT, yoga and cycling.
According to Hustoles, three group fitness classes a week will be offered for free, with 17 free classes on finals week.
DAM Fit High Intensity Interval Training is another option for students and Rec Sports members looking for a more structured workout regime, with sessions meeting three times a week, according to the programs’ webpage. Hustoles added that a free trial of the program is offered the first Wednesday of every term.
Other free offerings include peer wellness coaching consultations and Find Your Fit consultations, which give students a chance to tour the Rec Sports facilities and learn about different programs.
According to Hustoles, the Adventure Leadership Institute will also have more than 20 different programs and 16 classes to choose from this winter. ALI runs two rock climbing walls, a bike repair shop and rents outdoor gear to students and other members of the OSU community.
Emily Abrahms, the ALI Operations Manager, said that many ALI programs allow students to take their education off campus with class trips. This allows them to apply skills from the classroom to the real world.
The ALI webpage also notes that it offers students a Leadership Certificate, which combines classes and trips to give students leadership experience. For students interested in the certificate, an interest form is on the ALI website. The ALI Desk and the ALI Coordinator, Sheila Evans, will answer any additional questions from students.
Rec Sports and ALI also provide options for Ecampus students and OSU Alumni, Hustoles said. The membership fee for Ecampus students is equal to that of Corvallis students and provides access to online wellness coaching, Esports and virtual trivia. Ecampus students who want to participate in ALI can take PAC 300: Hiking Local Trails. Alumni can also purchase memberships which gives them access to all Rec Sports offerings.