Graphic by Natalie Lutz
General ASOSU Graphic
Editor’s note: This story has been updated to include a quote from Audrey Schlotter.
Associated Students of Oregon State University released a statement Friday morning on their Instagram which detailed concerns with the dissolution of the judicial council and harassment within student government.
This statement, signed by ASOSU President Audrey Schlotter, Judicial Council Chair Madison Jones, ASOSU Vice President and President of the ASOSU Senate Zach Kowash and Student Fee Committee Chair Sophia Nowers was originally provided to the Board of Trustees last Friday, but was released on the Instagram this morning.
The Jan. 17 minutes from the Board of Trustees meeting are not yet publicly available, however the Board made it clear that it was discussed during said meeting.
“The behaviors described in ASOSU President Audrey Schlotter’s report were deeply concerning to all of us on Oregon State University’s board of trustees. During our board meeting, we shared the seriousness of our concerns and expressed our expectation that all members of our community follow the law and university policies while treating one another with dignity and respect. Students are accountable to these expectations as outlined in OSU’s Code of Student Conduct,” said Román Hernández, Oregon State University board chair, in an email directed through OSU relations.
According to senate meeting minutes on Jan. 14, a motion passed which required the judicial council to rewrite their policies.
The minutes state, “Sen. Pearson hereby motioned to clarify that the ASOSU Senate does not recognize the referenced ASOSU Judicial Council policies seen on the ASOSU Judicial Council webpage, last updated as of 2017, as they were never confirmed or consented to by the ASOSU Senate, as Constitutionally mandated, and do not comply with our current Constitution nor Oregon state law.”
The Barometer is still investigating the details of the alleged dissolution of the judicial council. However, in an interview with the Barometer, Schlotter said, “Institutionally, the ASOSU still recognizes the ASOSU Judicial Branch.”
Oregon State University Spokesperson Rob Odom emphasized the importance of mutual respect in response to the report from Schlotter.
“Oregon State University values the contributions of student leaders and recognizes the critical role of ASOSU as a shared governance partner. Through the Code of Student Conduct, Oregon State students are accountable to the highest standards of behavior and ethical conduct, including treating one another with respect. ASOSU is an elected body accountable to student constituents, as well as OSU policies, the ASOSU constitution, ASOSU statutes and Oregon Revised Statutes,” Odom said.