Brian Rathbone, Orange Media Network
OSU power outage
Wednesday morning the power went out at the Finley and Bloss resident halls, Arnold Dining Center, as well as Dixon rec center and Gill Coliseum. Power is expected to out until 9 p.m. this evening.
According to Vice President of University Relations and Marketing, Steve Clark, the recent power outages has been a result of water infiltrating the power cables of the utility substation located on the northeast corner of SW 26th and Washington. It is the same issue that caused power outages at the OSU earlier this year.
Pacific Power crews are working to fix the immediate power outage problems, and will continue to work on finding a permanent solution to minimize future power outages.
Residence halls have remained open, but Arnold Dining Center and Dixon Rec Center remained closed until the power returns.
Nathan Barr, a political science major who lives in Finley Hall,was not aware of the power outage until he returned from class at 11 a.m. when tried to scan his ID card to get into his hall and nothing worked. Because he uses a desktop computer, he had to find alternative ways to prepare for class.
“I can’t do homework because everything is hooked up to my computer and nothing is on paper anymore,” Barr said. “I’ve just been reading my notes that I have taken, reading for fun for the first time since middle school.”
The same goes for Kiley Porter, a freshman in graphic design, who tried to get into Dixon to give her bike a tune up.
“It bums me out because I needed this for transportation to my classes, but I can wait as long as it opens.
While the power issue is being resolved, Clark reiterates that the McNary and West dining halls remain open for students who need a place to eat.