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The Student News Site of Oregon State University

The Daily Barometer

The Student News Site of Oregon State University

The Daily Barometer

Rotted tree falls, blocking road by Snell Hall

Taya Etzell
A tree lays across SW Jefferson Way outside of the Valley Library in Corvallis on Thursday.

A tree fell on Jefferson Way next to Snell Hall at 9:30 a.m., blocking the road and sidewalks. 

According to Terry Folden, a grounds worker for Oregon State University, the tree was rotting from the bottom up and was scheduled to be removed in four days, after graduation. 

One of Folden’s co-workers, Kyle Gibbs, was driving on the road when he heard the tree start to fall. The tree fell and hit the front of his vehicle, but he was not injured. 

According to Folden, the tree did not hit Snell Hall, just the trees and sidewalk in front of the building.

At around 11:30 a.m. the tree was still blocking Jefferson Way. Folden said he was not sure how long it would take to clear the road. 

“We have already taken five truck loads and there is still a lot left.” Folden said.

By 3:50 p.m., the road was still blocked off, but the tree trunk was gone. Crews were gathering broken branches into a pile outside the main Snell Hall entrance.

According to Folden, a few more of the trees in that area are scheduled to be cut down as well.

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  • W

    Wayne TysonJun 15, 2024 at 4:25 pm

    Snell Hall tree fall. Observations from Internet only–very limited and preliminary.

    Checklist (partial):
    1. Crown balance/imbalance?
    2. Stem length to diameter ratio (lever effects–physicist) ?
    3. Angle/direction of lean before failure?
    4. Stem/basal/root pathologies?
    5. Root failure from compression and tension?
