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The Student News Site of Oregon State University

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The Student News Site of Oregon State University

The Daily Barometer

Street Dawgs and Cats Fair offers care to unhoused pets

Landon Marks
Many Oregon State students apart from the Veterinary school help out with the Cat and Dog street fair at Avery Park in Corvallis OR on May 18 2024.

Barks and meows echoed throughout Avery Park at the Street Dawgs and Cats Care Fair on May 18. 

The event provided free care and supplies for pets of those in need, including vaccinations, deworming and anti flea and tick medicine.

Behind a table, event founder Stephanie Hampton was busy fitting a small dog with one of the donated harnesses and leashes that were given out at the event. Hampton has been doing the event for 12 years, and was inspired to do so after engaging with homeless people while participating in Occupy Corvallis, an action group supporting Occupy Wall Street.

“I had never even met a homeless person, but I really clicked with those who had animals,” Hampton said.

According to Hampton, the care fair has become more popular over the years, with last year’s event boasting an attendance of 56 dogs and 40 cats. Because of the need to keep vaccines up to date, the event is held biannually.

Aisling Kyne, president of  the Oregon State University Shelter Medicine Club, was administering care to animals. According to Kyne, the supplies themselves are provided thanks to the OSU Carlson College of Veterinary Medicine, in addition to grants and donations.

In attendance were Lori Barker and her dog Doobie, a 10-year-old Maltese Chihuahua mix. Both were appreciative of the event and of the support from the wider Corvallis community.

 “You just don’t find many towns who help,” Barker said.

In the grass was Mikala Guillen with seven year-old Bear James, a retriever, black lab and newfoundland mix. Guillen met Bear James when he was a year and a half old, and since then, the two have become inseparable.

“He even goes shopping with me and picks out his own hot dogs,” Guillen said. 

Guillen added, “It helps me out a lot,” referring to the event.

Also at the event was Susan Moore, who held in her arms a four-pound, four-month-old mini pinscher chihuahua mix named Loki Lu. It was the first time the puppy had received veterinary care after Moore got Loki Lu from a friend’s landlord. 

“She gives me lots of joy,” Moore said.

Floyd Dugan, a first time attendee, watched as his five year old pomeranian and chihuahua mix Bear was attended to. Dorgan, a native of Lebanon and lumber worker, recently underwent open heart surgery for valve replacement after suffering three heart attacks. Bear means a lot to Dorgan, he said.

“He keeps me calm,” Dorgan said.

Also waiting for care was Darlene Lindsey with 11-year-old pug Sam, who recently required a visit to the emergency vet for preventative care, and Luna, a 3-year-old cat who was once a stray. Just as Lindsey has saved her pets, she says her pets have saved her.

“They’re my life, they saved me from suicide. They’re my emotional support,” Lindsey said.

According to Hampton, the event will continue to provide much needed care to the pets that support those most in need in the years to come.

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