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Student events round off PRAx season

The Wind Ensemble practices Star Wars for their upcoming space-themed performances for the Oregon State University Band Pops Concert at Community Hall on May 21, 2024.
The Wind Ensemble practices Star Wars for their upcoming space-themed performances for the Oregon State University Band Pops Concert at Community Hall on May 21, 2024.
Taylor Cockrell

Whether in the wood-paneled Detrick Hall, the darkened Ray Theater, or the sun-soaked stage of the Austin/Parish Arts Plaza, the Patricia Valian Reser Center for the Creative Arts is holding multiple events to close its inaugural season.

Tickets for events can be found on the PRAx website.


Oregon State University Winds Pops Concert

The Wind Ensemble practices Star Wars for their upcoming space-themed performances for the Oregon State University Band Pops Concert at Community Hall on May 21, 2024. (Taylor Cockrell)

The end of the season lifts off on May 28 at 7 p.m. when audiences travel into space with the OSU Winds Pops Concert which combines musicians from all of the OSU bands. The performance will launch  in the Austin/ Parrish Arts Plaza, one of PRAx’s outdoor event spaces. According to director Erik Leung, the concert will last for an hour with no intermission. There is no admission fee and no tickets are required.

Leung said that the concert will feature pieces, including “Also sprach Zarathustra” from “2001: A Space Odyssey,” and Trekkies and Star Wars fans will also get musical nods to their favorite franchises. This year has been an exciting one for OSU bands, with performances across the country and Leung said he is looking forward to their closing performance at PRAx.


Spring Sing!

At 7 p.m. on May 29 the  treble voices of Bella Voce combine with the tenor-bass tones of the Meistersingers at the Detrick Concert Hall. General admission is $10 and student tickets are free.


One Acts Festival: 

Reegan DeJong (left) and Dylan Krause practice Belle and the Beast for the Spring One Acts Festival at the Edward J. Ray Theater on May 20, 2024. (Taylor Cockrell)

The One Acts Festival will run from May 30 through June 2 in the Edward J. Ray Theater. Shows will start at 7:30 p.m. May 30 through June 1 and 2 p.m. on June 2. Admission is $12 for adults and $5 for students. Drinks will be available from the Lightbox and PRAxKids will be offering supervised activities for children during the event.

According to OSU student and director Zoe Morrison, this year’s  show will consist of six plays written, directed and performed by students. The plays are inspired by fairytales and folklore and include titles such as “Belle and the Beast” by Ella Cave, “Godfather Death” by Corri Jackson and “The Statement of Rhonda Carter” by Mircalla Addams.


OSU Jazz Ensemble: 

On June 5, Detrick Hall will be swinging to the beat of the OSU Jazz Ensemble, directed by Ryan Biesack. The concert starts at 7 p.m. and will feature big-band arrangements and improvisation. General admission is $10 and students can go for free.


OSU Guitar Ensemble: 

The OSU Guitar Ensemble plays the song Mother Sea leading up to their PRAx performance at Community Hall on May 20, 2024. (Taylor Cockrell)

On June 6 at 7 p.m. the OSU Guitar Ensemble will take audience members in Detrick Hall on a world-wide, time-traveling tour of music.

“The best part about the guitar ensemble is the huge diversity of music we play, which matches the diverse role of the guitar around the world,” said director Cameron O’Connor.

This year, he said the ensemble will show off the instrument’s versatility with pieces by Joe Hisaishi, the composer for Studio Ghibli, a Queen medley, a student version of “Ashokan Farewell” and a new J.S. Bach arrangement.

As versatile as the music are the performers themselves, who range from guitar majors, to beginners and everywhere in between, O’Connor said. The 20 person group will be joined for this performance by a student violinist and in the past they have collaborated with vocal students and Grammy award winning guitarist William Kanengiser, according to O’Connor.

The performance will be free to OSU students and $10 for general admission.


OSU Chamber Choir: The President’s Concert: 

The Chamber Choir will perform in Detrick Hall on June 8 at 7 p.m. The concert is held in honor of President Emeritus Edward J. Ray and his late wife Beth Ray and is the end of the spring choral season. General admission is $25 and students get in free.

Professor Steven Zielke, the director of the Chamber Choir and the Patricia Valian Reser Professor of Music, said that the concert is closing a year of outstanding performances by student vocalists and conductors, including several in the PRAx center.

“It’s been an amazing year for the OSU Chamber Choir and we have had tremendous experiences singing together,” Zielke said.

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