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The Student News Site of Oregon State University

The Daily Barometer

The Student News Site of Oregon State University

The Daily Barometer

Lock-in demonstration at Kerr ends after hundredth hour

Taya Etzell
Protestors sit outside with signs at the north doors of Kerr Administration building on June 6, 2024.

After 100 hours in chains, pro-Palestine demonstrators who had taken part in a lock-in protest at the Kerr Administration Building ended the demonstration on Monday.

The lock-in protest, organized by Students United for Palestinian Equal Rights, started on Thursday at 11:30 a.m, as demonstrators demanded that Oregon State University administrators cooperate with attempts at negotiation.

SUPER posted on their Instagram at the 100 hour mark, saying that the five demonstrators at Kerr “unlock now” while expressing their frustration with the administration.

“We are disappointed in the administration for their lack of urgency in responding to us, and more importantly, the genocide in Gaza,” the post reads.

SUPER stated when the protest was organized that they felt it was necessary to express to university administrators that the group was still fighting for their demands, even as the school year ended.

At the beginning of the protest, a SUPER media liaison who declined to give their name for safety reasons said,“We will not be leaving until we get a solid starting point for negotiations, we will be here all night if needed.”

While, after more than four days, the lock-in has come to an end, SUPER wrote on their Instagram that they will continue to protest.

“We channel our collective grief, anger, and frustration to organize bigger and stronger,” the post reads.

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