Police Log: Dec. 11 – Dec. 13

Michael Eubanks, News Contributor

Tuesday, Dec. 11



An officer responded to a call regarding a vehicle that had driven onto railroad tracks. A male waived for the officer to stop and the officer noticed another police officer already on the scene. The officer spoke to the male and could smell alcohol on his breath. The male admitted two drinking three beers and a shot of whiskey at a local bar and to smoking two bowls of marijuana earlier in the day. The male was arrested and sent to Benton County Correctional Facility where he provided a breath sample of .05 BAC. Due to his impairment, he was was given a citation for DUII and booked into the facility.


Wednesday, Dec. 12


Damaging Property

An officer arrested a female for knocking over and breaking a sandwich board which belonged to a local business. The sign was valued at $150.00. The female was cited and then released.

Menacing/Unlawful Possession of a Firearm

Officers responded to a local apartment complex after a male suspect threatened to stab the property managers over the phone. The suspect was not initially found but he began banging on the property manager’s door a few minutes after the officers left. The suspect had multiple knives and a firearm concealed in his backpack when he was taken into custody.


Violent Conduct

Officers responded to a local residence upon hearing reports of a male screaming and waving a gun. Upon arrival, it was discovered that the suspect had a package stolen from his doorstep and went outside in frustration in hope of confronting the thief. The gun turned out to be a realistic looking pellet rifle. The rifle was confiscated and the suspect was cited in lieu of custody for violent conduct.


Thursday, Dec. 13


Fugitive Arrest

An officer observed a male suspect walking down a local avenue and ran his name through dispatch, discovering he had an active warrant out for his arrest. The officer stopped the suspect near a local business and informed him of the warrant. The suspect had two confirmed warrants out of Benton County Circuit Court, one for Criminal Trespass in the 2nd degree, and the other for providing false information to a Police Officer. The warrants were confirmed by the last four digits of the suspect’s social security number. The male suspect was then placed into handcuffs. When conducting a search for possible weapons, the officer discovered a glass pipe containing burnt marijuana residue. The officer was the contacted by the suspect’s Probation Officer, who informed the Police Officer that she was placing a detainer on the suspect. The suspect was then placed into the back of a police car and transported to the Benton County Jail, where he told staff he had not met with his Probation Officer in a long time. After filling out a booking sheet and showing the suspect copies of his warrants, the officer left. The officer later checked the Law Enforcement Data Systems and assured the warrants were removed.


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