ELECTION RESULTS: 2018 Oregon ballot measures

Joe Wolf, Web & Mobile Manager

Wednesday, Nov. 7 noon update

Oregonians considered five ballot measures this midterm election, including four proposed constitutional amendments. All but one, Measure 102, failed with over 1.6 million votes counted.

Measure 102: Passed 

This measure amends the state constitution to allow local governments to parter with nongovernmental organizations to propose bonds to finance affordable housing. These bonds would be voted on by community members in areas that choose to issue them.

  • 56.40 percent of Oregon voters voting YES to 43.60 percent voting NO

Measure 103: Failed

This measure would have amended the Oregon constitution to prohibit taxes on “any raw or processed food or beverage intended for human consumption.”

  • 57.19 percent voting NO to 42.81 percent voting YES

Measure 104: Failed

This measure would have extended the supermajority requirement (three-fifths of the state legislature) for bills that raise revenue beyond taxes to include fees and changes to tax deductions, exemptions and credits.

  • 65.15 percent voting NO to 34.85 percent voting YES

Measure 105: Failed

This measure would have repealed a law limiting the use of state and local law enforcement resources to apprehend suspected undocumented immigrants. Oregon State University President Ed Ray spoke out against this measure in September. 

  • 62.93 percent voting NO to 37.07 percent voting YES

Measure 106: Failed

This measure would have amended the Oregon constitution to prohibit the state from spending public funds on abortion. Current law puts no restrictions on spending state dollars on abortion, including health plans that cover the procedure, when approved by a medical professional.

  • 64.16 percent voting NO to 35.84 percent voting YES 
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