ASOSU presidential and vice presidential ticket: Zack and Darby Buhlmann

(Left to right) Siblings Zach and Darby Buhlmann are running for ASOSU President and Vice Prsident respectively. 

Joe Wolf, ASOSU Beat Reporter

The brother and sister ticket of Zack and Darby Buhlmann is running with the tagline “Stronger Together.” According to Zack Buhlmann, the presidential candidate, many students feel intimidated or unable to talk with their representatives within student government, so the pair would like to maintain a constant presence of ASOSU members in the Student Experience Center lobby. The pair also seeks to continue holding town halls and get more input from students in general through polling.

“I have a lot of belief in the students of OSU,” Zack Buhlmann said. “Our growth stems from not what we do, but why we do it.”

Both the president and vice president participate in fraternity and sorority life, and would like to increase the input these organizations have in student government, while noting that they intend to represent all students, according to Zack Buhlmann, president of the Sigma Nu fraternity. Beyond his fraternity experience, Zack Buhlmann is the student chair of the Sports and Special Programs Committee, which oversees Recreational Sports and student sports clubs. The ticket would consider expanding the SafeRide program to focus on student safety, and would also pursue paying student workers on a twice-a-month-basis. Before making final decisions, however, the pair would want to consult with students at-large and look at as much data as possible.

“I am not going to act rashly,” Zack Buhlmann said. “It always comes back to communication, specifically for this position I have the patience and willingness to dedicate all the time it takes to reach the best decision possible.”

Both Zack and Darby Buhlmann recognized that they may disagree at times, however the siblings have always been close, according to Darby Buhlmann. She sees their candidacy as based on close communication and understanding.

“I think we are very action-oriented individuals and we are inspired by the people around us,” Darby Buhlmann said. “That leads us to do our best to make what other people want happen, because that is what we were raised to do.”

According to Darby Buhlmann, she is a clear communicator who takes in as many opinions as possible, which would be helpful as President of the Senate and Vice President.

“I am an honest person and I always own up to whatever mistakes I make and I am always very quick to correct them,” Darby Buhlmann said. “I think that accountability is super important when it comes to the Senate as well as elections.”

For Zack Buhlmann, his favorite experience as a representative in the House this year was joint session, where students in general were able to address the entire ASOSU Congress.

“There is a mild disconnect between student government and the students at OSU,” Zack Buhlmann said. “We want the forum to be open and the conversations to be had.”

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