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The Student News Site of Oregon State University

The Daily Barometer

The Student News Site of Oregon State University

The Daily Barometer

The Student News Site of Oregon State University

The Daily Barometer

Student exiting an evening class at the Learning Innovation Center at Oregon State University on Nov. 8, 2023.

Educators balance education and empathy in content warning debate

Ash Estevan, News Contributor
November 9, 2023

Editor's note: This story contains mentions of sexual assault. In the spring term of 2023, Carter Trinidad was sitting in his Women, Gender and Sexuality class waiting for his substitute professor to...

Oregon State House Committee Considering Education Bill

Oregon State House Committee Considering Education Bill

Jordyn Gregory, News Contributor
April 3, 2023

Under consideration by the Oregon State House Committee: the Interstate Teaching Mobility Compact (Senate Bill 279) — a bill that would help combat the teacher shortage. Already passed by the Senate...

Amid the nationwide Great Teacher Resignation, Corvallis School District teacher turnover remains low

Amid the nationwide Great Teacher Resignation, Corvallis School District teacher turnover remains low

Sam Misa, News Contributor
June 6, 2022

The consumer price index in the United States increased at the highest rate this year since December 1981; many workers have found wages unable to keep up. This is the case with teachers resigning across...

OSU START Leaders welcoming new incoming students in a START 2021 video posted on the website. According to the newstudents website, START Orientations begin on June 21st and will be held virtually.

START aims to ‘mimic in-person feel of orientation in this virtual world’

Kelsy Valentine, News Reporter
August 2, 2021

Incoming Oregon State University students attending START orientation will be split into eight separate week-long sessions that will be held virtually with optional in-person events. Students currently...

OSU Junior Aanchal Vidyarthi studies in an empty classroom at the LINC. Vidyarthi regularly visits campus to study in new spaces because it helps her focus better. 

Bridges: ‘A new kind of learning’: the need for hybrid classrooms

Brandt Bridges, Columnist
April 12, 2021

Remote learning has its benefits for students; it gives them the freedom to take classes anywhere and attend even if they have other important responsibilities. This past year of online learning throughout...

Oregon State University's Valley Library will be one of the buildings reopening for the fall term, while most in-person instruction will be conducted remotely.

Update: OSU moves majority of fall term instruction online, reminds students importance of wearing face coverings indoors

Teresita Guzman Nader, News Reporter
August 12, 2020

OSU President F. King Alexander and OSU Provost and Executive Vice President Edward Feser sent a letter to all OSU students on August 11, stating that based on careful monitoring of the status of COVID-19,...

Correction: Katie Kalhar's name was originally spelled incorrectly. This issue has been fixed. The Barometer regrets the error. Katie Kalhar (left) talks about why she came to the kick-start STEMINIST meeting that took place on Oct. 16, 2019 in the Student Experience Center. 

Organization for women in STEM fields relaunches

Zoe Sandvigen, News Contributor
October 28, 2019

On Oct. 16, Steminist relaunched their organization in the Student Experience Center in hopes to form a new inclusive community of students.The Steminist were originally created to provide a safe space...

Assistant Professor Naomi Fitter holds a microphone to comedy robot Jon the Robot.

Oregon State University professor uses entertainment robot to educate

Lillian Nomie, News Contributor
April 29, 2019

Oregon State University’s robots are learning to perform comedy, and researchers like Naomi Fitter, assistant professor for the School of Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, are using...


OSU’s efforts toward gender inclusion have ‘come a long way’

Lillian Nomie, News Contributor
April 15, 2019

Oregon State University has been around for the last 150 years and in that time, has come a long way with women’s rights, according to the vice president of OSU Cascades campus and an OSU alumnus, Rebecca...

writing center

Writing studio aids English language learners

Canon Wright, News Contributor
April 1, 2019

A resource for all Oregon State University students, the Valley Library Writing Center & Studio is an especially valuable place for international students, and English language learners alike, to come...


Credit ‘important to understand’ for students

Canon Wright, News Contributor
April 1, 2019

Building a good credit score sets a foundation for anyone who one day wants to own owning nice things such as a car or a home, according Program Manager for Student Engagement, Stephen Hodges. This is...

General Opinion Graphic

Letter to the Editor: Boomers don’t understand current state of education

Millicent Taylor, 3rd year Political Science Major
February 25, 2019

On Feb. 15, The Baro published a response from one, Jay Burreson, in response to Noah Nelson’s story “American dream is dead”. Mr. Burreson states he is a member of the class of 1964. Doing some...

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