Student fees may increase by 4.98% to $505.46 each term for the fiscal year of 2024, after the Student Fee Committee held final deliberations for budget requests on Feb. 2.
Joe Page, the student fee...
Correction: a paragraph originally stating the Student Fee Committee endorsed the increase in wages has been corrected to state that it is the Congressional Budgets Committee, instead, who has endorsed...
Student fee funded units at Oregon State University have proposed increases to their budgets to return to pre-pandemic operation levels, which would increase student fees during the 2022-23 academic year.
Correction: Joe Page's title has been updated to indicate his Pro Tempore status as the ASOSU Speaker of the House of Representatives
The Oregon State University Student Fee Committee will hold meetings...
The Associated Students of Oregon State University held a town hall on Friday, April 17 to answer questions and discuss the university’s response to COVID-19, along with the services available to students...
The Associated Students of Oregon State University held a town hall on Friday, April 17 to answer questions and discuss the university’s response to COVID-19, along with the services available to students...