Now Is The Time event commemorates 438 school gun violence victims with balloons.March For Our Lives, a peaceful protest regarding gun policies and the rampant school shootings throughout the U.S., will...
Display commemorates victims of school shootingsThe 438 students who have been shot in school shootings since 2012 were remembered today in the Memorial Union Quad in conjunction with the National Walkout...
Student interns train for peer advocacy program coming winter term.The Office of Advocacy, which is operated by the Associated Students of Oregon State University, exists to assist students facing conflicts...
A first generation college student and a daughter of immigrants, if you would have told Isamar Chávez a year ago that she would have the opportunity at the end of her senior year to lobby for students...
Ryan KhalifePronouns: He, Him, HisYear: 3rdMajor: Political Science and Economics with an option in MathematicsTitle: ASOSU Senate Pro-TemporeRyan Khalife was born and raised in Corvallis, Oregon, and...
DACA, sexual assault prevention and college affordability.Wednesday kicked off the ASOSU Lobby Team’s first day of on-the-ground lobbying. The team of nine lobbyists split themselves into three pre-arranged...
Imagine a student has gotten a grade back from a professor and they are sure there has been a mistake, yet the professor refuses to help, or even worse they are facing disciplinary actions that could result...