Student Eligibility
Alex Hyatt, reporter
With school well under way this academic year, the federal government has laid out a plan to communicate with college students to provide more information...
OSU students: do you use the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program? This year, students are pushing for expansions on the Corvallis campus, along with the Hunger Free Campus Bill.
Advocating on...
The Basic Needs Center, formerly the Human Services Resource Center, offers students and community members resources to support their nutritional, laundry, and textbook needs, as well as volunteer opportunities.
Two Oregon State University professors are conducting the first campus-wide assessment of food insecurity, and expect their research findings to highlight the rate of OSU students experiencing food insecurity...
To date, the current government shutdown is longest in the history of the United States, lasting a total of 33 days and impacting individuals across the nation, and right here at Oregon State University.Consequently,...