Unpopular “bacc core” classes allow for more diverse college education

Sean Bassinger

I was never a huge fan of baccalaureate requirements.

Extra math classes, extra science classes and other core requirements outside of our true passions should be the last thing we focus on, correct?

I wouldn’t say so.

Though often frowned upon, the addition of other requirements to my credit count (so long as they’re not too obscure) has benefited me in more ways than it has restricted me.

When I first returned to school at Linn-Benton Community College, I didn’t see much sense in having to take so many extra credits outside of writing and journalism, my first major of choice.

But as I began to explore other classes and topics, I started to understand reasons why this was important.

Students who take more courses outside of their major will have more opportunities to decide whether or not they truly want to continue the path they go down, or if they want to add more to their degree than they previously had.

I’ve had many colleagues who took on additional credit requirements toward a writing, psychology or business minors.

Think of it this way: Though a majority are under the impression that people further their education just because they “have to,” there are some of us weirdos who experience adding on to our learning experiences.

Classes outside of our majors allow us to gain a variety of perspectives. One student who studies nothing but science or mathematics may dread taking an extra communication or sociology course.

These course additions, however, could help them either apply their own talents in areas they never though possible before, or improve their overall communication skills for the greater good.

As for the other way around (I speak out of experience with my “dreaded” math course requirements), certain bacc core requirements may allow us liberal art students to spice up our degree options with something such as computer science, web development and other technical compliments we could sincerely use in more liberal arts-oriented fields.

We often hear the term “STEM” to describe courses in “science, technology, engineering and mathematics” fields, but the term “STEAM”—the A added for “arts”—seems to make a lot more sense when you really think about it.

We step into college knowing we’re going to have to pay a set amount of money in terms of where our tuition dollars go.

It’s in this agreement and understanding that our bacc core requirements also come into effect. The overall experience helps to mold our programs and time here into what our degree eventually becomes.

If we want to graduate as true, versatile critical thinkers, we’re all going to have to step outside of our comfort zones every now and again.

Even if this means someone who’s used to writing 500 word essays like it’s nothing has to learn what the hell an asymptote is and why it matters.

The opinions expressed in Bassinger’s column do not necessarily reflect those of The Daily Barometer Staff.


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