City of Corvallis breaks ground at Fire Station 3
Graphic by Natalie Lutz, Orange Media Network
OMN Creative Team
October 26, 2022
Signaling the start of an extensive $3.5 million renovation, the City of Corvallis officials will gather to break ground at Fire Station 3 this Thursday at 4:30 p.m.
Fire Station 3 closed late last month in preparation for an 11-month renovation. This project is the first in a series of major improvements planned to update longstanding Corvallis buildings.
New construction at Fire Station 3 aims to create a more functional and equitable environment for its workers, a goal set to be carried on in future Corvallis renovations as well.
One of the major aspects of the renovation is adding a new apparatus bay to protect the station’s brush rig. Being one of the station’s most expensive pieces of equipment, this bay will protect the rig from weather and vandalism.
The renovation will also work to modernize the station’s interior. Built in the 1970s, the building was not laid out to accommodate female firefighters. This update will attempt to address problems of equity through the installation of new indoor facilities such as dormitories and showers.
Fire Station 3, located at 1310 NW Circle Blvd, plans to reopen its doors in late 2023. Firefighters typically stationed there have been reassigned to either Fire Station 1 or 5 during its closure, and areas serviced by Station 3 will continue to to receive support from the Corvallis Fire Department.