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SOTS: What are your new year’s resolutions?

First Year Mechanical Engineering major Hunter Goodman (he/him) speaks about his goals for the upcoming year in Corvallis, Oregon on Dec 1, 2023.
First Year Mechanical Engineering major Hunter Goodman (he/him) speaks about his goals for the upcoming year in Corvallis, Oregon on Dec 1, 2023.
Morgan Barnaby

“Get better grades.”

“Read more books this year.”

“I don’t really believe in New Year’s Resolutions.”

With the new year coming up, many people are pushing towards self-improvement, and these three goals are just some of the new year’s resolutions shared by students at Oregon State University.


Gustavo Velasquez, 3rd year botany major

Junior Botany major Gustavo Velasquez (he/him) discusses his resolutions and goals for the New Year on Dec 1, 2023 in Corvallis, Oregon.

“I’d say my New Year’s resolution would be to give myself more time to do the things I want. I feel like a lot of the time we can get stuck in doing schoolwork and that’s it and then going home and just eating and then going to bed and then doing it all over again. So I guess giving myself more time for myself … I’m not taking as many credits next term, that’s for sure, but I also think that just planning out time to do it [schoolwork] would be helpful. So like, you know, the weekends are always a little bit more freeing, but maybe a day during the week too.”

Davin Lehman, 2nd year chemistry major

Sophomore Chemistry major Davin Lehman (he/him) speaks on his resolutions for the New Year in Corvallis, Oregon on Dec 1, 2023.

“I think, to have a better sleep schedule … think just setting a hard deadline for myself [for] when I stop doing schoolwork or stuff like that and try to set up like a nighttime routine and like brushing my teeth and putting on my pajamas and not using my phone before bed and stuff like that.”

Lauren Edwardsen, 3rd year cybersecurity major

Freshman Business Administration major Taylor Smith (she/her) discusses her goals and resolutions for the upcoming year in Corvallis, Oregon on Dec 1, 2023.

“I don’t really believe in New Year’s resolutions because well first off, I have ADHD which essentially speeds up the not forming a habit process by like three or four times and also, I’ve just got experience with being so absorbed in a New Year’s resolution that either I let everything else in my life fall apart, or the new year’s resolution falls apart in days or a week and I realized that being so focused on waiting until New Year’s to start making those habits just was ridiculously unproductive.”

Taylor Smith, 1st business administration major

Freshman Business Administration major Taylor Smith (she/her) discusses her goals and resolutions for the upcoming year in Corvallis, Oregon on Dec 1, 2023. (Morgan Barnaby)

“I’m doing Pilates a lot and it’s been my new thing. But I guess, I’ll just keep up with that. Because I’ve been doing it three times a week and I aim to do it at least six times a week …So I just set time aside in order to do that and just make sure that I’m committed to it during that time and that I feel motivated.”

Eva Hammond, 3rd year psychology major

Third Year psychology major Eva Hammond (she/her) speaks on her resolutions and goals for the New Year in Corvallis, Oregon on Dec 1, 2023.

“I tend to keep it something I think I could accomplish. Whether that’s sleeping more, drinking more water, or just trying to create a schedule for myself. Normally, I try to do like books I want to read.”


Michelle Le, 1st year biology major

First Year biology student Michelle Le (she/her) discusses her plans and goals for the upcoming new year in Corvallis, Oregon on Dec 1, 2023.

“I think it’s mostly budgeting and saving money. On why, (it’s) because I lack in that area and I just spent a lot of money.”

Hunter Goodman, 1st year mechanical engineering major

First Year mechanical engineering major Hunter Goodman (he/him) speaks about his goals for the upcoming year in Corvallis, Oregon on Dec 1, 2023.

“My New Year’s resolution is to get better grades, kind of improve myself and get more interactive with the school …I plan to achieve that goal by studying harder and trying to find out more clubs and activities that I can do to interact more in the community …Some of the clubs that I kind of want to do are Key Club, which is kind of a cool community sort of club. I might want to join the engineering club, and then maybe like, a fun club, like a gaming club or a board game club”

Amy LeClair, 3rd year interior design major

Third Year interior design major Amy LeClair (she/her) speaks on her goals and resolutions for 2024 in Corvallis, Oregon on Dec 1, 2023.

“My New Year’s resolution, I guess to just really focus more on myself because I feel like I really focused on other people. That’s good, but trying to make time for myself to do my own things, whether that’s like, the activities I want to do, or just focusing on school more. Like I guess having less distractions and just focusing, you know, taking care of myself, that kinda thing.”

“I plan to achieve this by taking care of myself more by setting goals for myself. Like, how can I take more of my own breaks and then also making time to just have my own time without being super busy because I’m always busy all the time, it’s hard to find time to find those breaks. So just like setting small goals of like, okay, maybe like 10 minutes I’ll focus on just like having my own time not worrying about school, kinda like maybe reflecting on my day, ya know?”

The Barometer will try to follow up on these students during the new year.

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