Rachel Josephson, Kylie Boenisch: OSforU

Vada Shelby, News Contributor

Candidates Rachel Josephson and Kylie Boenisch have teamed up in an Associated Students of Oregon State University presidential ticket, aiming to promote and improve student wellness. 

Josephson, ASOSU undergraduate representative, and Boenisch, ASOSU senator, are running for president and Vice President in the 2019 ASOSU election, with a campaign slogan “OSforU.” 

The duo are inseparable friends and roommates, with a campaign focusing on three main pillars of OSU: the people, services and surroundings. 

Josephson said they have multiple specific initiatives under all three pillars of their campaign. 

“Each initiative focuses on the communities surrounding them,” Josephson said. “We have an ASOSU service initiative and one for OSU. We want all students to know all aspects on campus, and it all leads back to student wellness.”

As part of their “people” pillar, they would continue work that Josephson has begun creating mental health programs, and help veterans transition smoothly to OSU. They want to recognize marginalized communities by working to place preferred pronouns on student IDs, and support other communities by listening to their needs . 

To increase the visibility of ASOSU, Josephson and Boenisch say they would make a YouTube channel with bimonthly updates on ASOSU’s progress to keep accountable. This is one initiative they’d launch, as part of their focus on services. 

For their third pillar, Josephson and Boensich hope to make ASOSU paperless and lobby the state legislature for more funds to complete the transition to a green campus.

Both Josephson and Boenisch attribute their success so far to the university and ASOSU, and say their experiences would allow them to implement all their initiatives in a smooth manner. 

“From our considerable experience in the organization, we understand the limitations and allowances of ASOSU and the Presidency and Vice Presidency, which is why we know we can enact all of our initiatives without budgetary concerns or other issues,” Josephson said via email. 

Josephson works in the campus Technology Transfer Office, and is a student lobbyist through the Presidential Student Legislative Advocates. She has a career goal to represent women and scientists in office. 

Boenisch has been heavily involved with ASOSU and worked last year to create a Veterans Resource Center on campus, a project that should be completed in the spring.

Creating their campaign statement, both candidates wanted to perfectly embody the needs and wants of the Oregon State University community. 

“Knowing what will make students more comfortable on campus and catering to that is extremely important,” Boenisch said. “There are

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