Police Log: Dec. 27 – Dec. 28

Chloe Stewart, News Contributor

Thursday, Dec. 27



An officer responded to a reported car prowl. The caller stated that someone had just broken the window of their car and they saw the suspect fleeing the area. An unknown brand pink wallet with a silver and gold decorative plate and a hand strap was stolen. The wallet contained two $100 Visa gift cards and an unactivated credit card in the victim’s name. However, the case was discontinued due to the lack of usable information on the suspect.


Attempted UEMV (x3)

An officer responded to a reported car prowl in progress. The caller indicated that three suspects on bicycles had tried to break into three cars parked in a nearby parking lot. The caller described one suspect as wearing a “white fuzzy hat,” and possibly female. The second suspect was described as wearing a blue jacket and backpack. The third suspect was, according to the caller, too far away to effectively describe.

The caller’s description of the events led police to believe they disrupted the car prowls and the suspects were unsuccessful in breaking into any vehicles.


Forgery 1

Police were dispatched to a local bank on a report of two forged $20 bills. After arriving, the officer spoke with an assistant bank manager who indicated that they had received the forged bills the day before when a local restaurant chain made a deposit of money they had made. The assistant manager also said that the bills were clearly fake because the color was “off,” and they lacked a security strip. The officer examined the bills and placed them into evidence. The investigation has been discontinued.


Theft III and Trespass I

Police received a report of shoplifting from a local grocery store. There, the officers learned that the shoplifter had stolen four Steel Reserves beers. Additionally, officers were offered a description of the suspect which matched a man who had been previously contacted by police. After patrolling the area, the officers located the individual walking nearby. After noticing five large beer cans hanging out of his pockets, the officer asked him why he had the beers. The man replied that he had stolen them. Officers subsequently placed him under arrest and transported him to the Benton County Jail.


Possible Package Theft

Police received a report of possible package theft from a local neighborhood. The caller stated that a male and a female arrived in the neighborhood in a vehicle (described, according to the log, as “an older Honda Accord (or something similar), silver in color with a spoiler mounted on the trunk,”). The male then exited the vehicle, was gone for less than a minute, then returned with what appeared to be a package shoved under his sweatshirt. He then got back into the car and the female drove away. The male suspect was wearing all black, approximately 6’ tall and had a thin build. Officers were unable to confirm if a package was stolen from the area.


Friday, Dec. 28


Suspicious Activity

Officers responded to a local neighborhood for a possible burglary in progress. After clearing the home and ensuring that there were no intruders, officers contacted the resident. The resident went on to tell officers that they arrived home that evening to find their front door unlocked. They later thought they could hear footsteps in their apartment and subsequently locked themself in their room to call the police. Investigation revealed no evidence that anyone had entered the apartment, and the resident indicated that nothing was missing.


Welfare Check – Other

An officer responded to a call reporting an in-progress domestic dispute. After arriving on the scene, the officer spoke to one of the involved parties, who indicated that she had had an argument with her husband. She stated that she was standing in the hallway holder her daughter when she heard a crashing sound coming from the kitchen. She said she then discovered that her husband had pushed several items off the top of the refrigerator, causing them to break. She also indicated that the argument was not physical and neither she nor her daughter had been in the kitchen when her husband knocked the items over. Officers located the husband and found he was intoxicated, and he also reported that the altercation had not been physical. The investigation did not yield probable cause to believe that a crime took place.


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