Corvallis Police Log: Feb. 21 – March 6

Kelsy Valentine, Print Contributor

February 21

Theft 3

A vehicle on Northwest 28th and Northwest Van Buren Avenue was broken into between 11 p.m. on Feb. 20 and 8 a.m. the next morning. The vehicle had been unlocked at the time. A grey wallet with a zipper was stolen. The wallet contained an Oregon Driver’s License, social security card and debit card. There were no cameras or suspect information.

Criminal Mischief

The rear driver’s side window of a Jeep parked on Northwest Harrison Boulevard was broken overnight. Video footage showed a male on a light-colored bike and large winter jacket near the vehicle at 5:45 a.m. The video, however, is not good quality and thus it is unlikely the suspect will be able to be identified from it. The vehicle’s owner suspected the window would cost about $500 to replace.

Theft 3

At about 3:45, Buffalo Wild Wings reported a dine and dash theft that had just taken place. The bill for services had totaled $69.32. Video surveillance was reviewed but the suspect or their vehicle was unable to be found in the area.

Burglary 1, Theft 2, Criminal Mischief 2

A cold burglary occurred at a residence on Southeast Debord Street. The caller stated his vacant property had been entered sometime in the past two weeks and that a printer had been stolen. There are no investigatory leads in the case.

February 22

Found Property

A vehicle was left outside a residence on Northwest 21st Street since Thursday, February 18. The caller said the keys were hung on her mailbox, so she put them on the hood of the vehicle, but no one had come back for the car. Inside the car, a Jiffy Lube receipt with a name and phone number was found. The individual called, who said she shared a car with her cousin and that the cousin had the keys for the vehicle. The woman said they’d been at the vehicle three or four days previous but that she didn’t realize the keys had been left. She said she would pick up the keys from the law enforcement center.

Theft 3

A vehicle on Northwest Beechwood Place was broken into and the owner believed the vehicle registration and his daughter’s Oregon Driver’s Permit had been stolen. The owner said this happened between 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. on Feb. 20. There is no suspect information.

Theft 3

An Amazon package was delivered to a residence on Norwood Drive at about 1:30 p.m. but went missing sometime afterwards. The package contained a Krups Coffee Grinder that was black in color and valued at about $50. There is no suspect information in the case.

Theft 1

Sometime between 12 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 20 and Feb. 22, a vehicle on Northwest 25th Street was broken into and a black and white polka dot Nike bag with Taylormade golf clubs in it was stolen. The value of the items was estimated to be about $1500. There was no damage to the vehicle and there were no cameras in the location.

Lost Property

A man reported that he believes his wife may have left her wedding ring on the bathroom counter in a room of the Hilton Garden Inn Hotel on Southwestern Boulevard when they stayed there on Feb. 15. The hotel, though, said the room had already been cleaned and rented out to someone else and that no wedding ring was found. The man wanted the incident documented in case the ring was found or being sold in a pawn shop. The key was described as a Kay Jeweler Leo brand wedding ring with a 14-carrot white gold diamond, white gold band, and 7/8 carat solitaire stolen. The ring was valued to be about $2500.

Theft 2

An Amazon package delivered to a residence on Northwest Walnut Boulevard was stolen from the front porch on Friday, Feb. 19. The package, which contained a LOL doll house valued at $200, had been delivered on Friday at about 12:30 p.m. but was gone by 5 p.m. There was no suspect information in the theft.

Burglary 1, Criminal Mischief 2

A property manager for The Domain reported that she thought she had heard someone in an upstairs apartment. No one was located but the back door was found kicked in to force entry. The incident was said to have happened sometime in the past two months.

Telephonic Harassment, Threat

A man on Northwest Taylor Avenue reported that his ex-girlfriend had been repeatedly calling him. He told her to stop and even blocked her number, but she continued to call him anyway. The man did not want to press charges and only wanted her to stop calling him.

The ex-girlfriend was contacted and told that she needed to stop calling or texting her ex-boyfriend. She was warned about Telephonic Harassment. The woman said she understood and would not contact her ex-boyfriend again.

Criminal Trespass 2

A white male was reported for trespass at the Tommy’s Bar and Grill on Southwest Fourth Street. The male was found at Dari Mart and admitted to having been at Tommy’s. He was given a copy of a trespass notice from the owner of the bar.

Theft 3

At about 7:15 p.m., the Safeway on Northeast Circle Boulevard reported a possible shoplift that had occurred in about the past ten minutes. A customer told employees that she thought a male dressed in military fatigues and a black mask left without paying. The video is not good quality, and the suspect can not be made out in it. It is unknown what the customer took and if they paid or not.

February 23

Suspicious Circumstance

A male on Northwest Ninth Street was seen struggling to carry what appeared to be household appliances. He was stopped and found to be in possession of a tower fan, an open safe box and some sort of computer equipment dock. The man said he had been dumpster diving on Northwest Division Street and found the items in front of a house. He said he hadn’t entered anyone’s property. There hadn’t been any calls regarding thefts in the area, so Police took photos of the items and gave the man a verbal warning.

Theft 3

A white male stole an advertising sign that read “A & S Accounting, Tax Clients Welcomed” from near the front door of A & S Accounting on Southwest Washington Avenue. The theft happened between 11:10 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. The suspect was said to be about 5’8”, possibly near 40 years old with a clean-shaven face. He was also wearing a black beanie, a black or dark grey shirt, and blue jeans. He was believed to have gone south on Southwest Third avenue after taking the sign.

Criminal Trespass 2

An employee of the Michael’s Department Store reported that a woman in the store refused to put a mask on and was refusing to leave. The woman claimed to be refusing to wear a mask due to self-reported health concerns. Police were able to convince the woman to leave, but the store wanted her Trespassed. She was verbally Trespassed from the store.

February 24

Driving While Suspended, Misdemeanor

A vehicle was stopped on Northwest Circle Boulevard because he didn’t stop for a pedestrian that was attempting to cross the road. The driver admitted to having not seen the woman or the flashing lights until it was too late to stop. He also said that he had a suspended license. He was given a citation for Driving While Suspended (misdemeanor) and had to push his car into a nearby parking lot.

Theft 3, Criminal Mischief 2

A vehicle on Northwest Rolling Green Drive had its driver’s side rear passenger window broken out and a coat was taken from inside the vehicle sometime between 5 p.m. on Feb. 22 and 10:30 a.m. on Feb. 24. The window was estimated to cost $200 to fix and the coat was valued at $60.  

Phone Harassment

A man reported that a woman would not stop contacting him after he bought a $500 vehicle from them. The man said the previous owner of the vehicle kept asking for more money because newer parts had been put into the vehicle prior to him purchasing it. The man said the woman had been messaging him and calling him and even showed up where he was after he blocked her number.

The woman was contacted and told to stop contacting the man who purchased her vehicle. She claimed she hadn’t contacted him since January.

Theft 2

A bike was stolen on Southwest East Avenue. The victim reported that the bike, valued at $200, was taken between 11 p.m. on Feb. 23 and 1 p.m. on Feb. 24. The bike had not been locked. It was described as black and grey in color with straight black handlebars, a flashlight attachment and two cup holders.

Theft 3

A woman reported that she thought her partner’s car, which had been parked on Northwest Ninth Street, had between eight to ten gallons siphoned down sometime between the morning of Feb. 18 and the morning of Feb. 20. The woman said the vehicle had been filled up on Thursday morning, after which she ran errands around town on Friday morning. When she came back to the car on Saturday, she noticed only half a tank was left, but that she should not have used that much gas while running errands. About $20 of gas was believed to have been stolen. There was no surveillance at the residence and no hose left behind.

Camping in Public Places

Several illegal camps near the Thompson Shelter in Avery Park on Avery Park Drive were requested by the Park and Recreation Department staff to be posted. The camps were unoccupied and consisted of a few multicolored tents surrounded by a significant amount of trash. Illegal camping notices were attached to each of the tents. The camping sites have been arranged to be cleaned up in the following week.

Camping in Public Places

An illegal camp in the area of Shawala Point near the skate park on Southwest B Avenue was requested to be posted. The camp consisted of a grey and blue tent covered by a brown tarp. There was also trash at the campsite. An illegal camping notice was left at the site, though no one was present at the time.

Camping in Public Places

Parks and Recreation employees requested that two RVs parked at the Crystal Lake boat ramp parking lot on Southeast Fischer Lane be posted for illegal camping. The two RVs were attached by a hitch and believed to be one camp. No one was present at the time but an illegal camping notice was posted on the doors of both the RVs.

Burglary 2

A woman who had been walking her dog on Southwest 35th Street reported a shed behind the Renew Church that she noticed had a door that was swinging open. The two sheds at the church were searched though it was unclear what, if anything, was taken. The exterior doors to the church were secure. Police also attempted to contact individuals associated with the church but were unable to.

Theft 2

An employee of the Washington Street Liquor store on Southwest Washington Avenue said a male had stolen two and half gallons of Black Velvet whiskey, valued at $21.95 each, and a bottle on Cincoro Resposado tequila, valued at $110. The man was described as possibly Asian or Hispanic, about 5’6” with a medium build wearing baggy jeans, a black zip up sweatshirt, sunglasses, a white mask, and brown beaver beanie. The male was unable to be found in the nearby area.

Theft 2

A bicycle that had been locked on a bicycle rack at a residence on Northwest 26th Street was stolen between 10 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. on Feb. 24. The bike was described as being black and gold in color with a girl road frame, straight handle bars, black rubber grips, front suspension, and a red pouch under the seat. The front wheel was also said to be bent. There is video surveillance at the apartments, which will be watched for any evidence of the crime or suspect information. Due to a lack of evidence, the case has currently been discontinued.

Reckless Driving, Reckless Endangering, Elude Vehicle, Unlawful Use of Vehicle

A white, Ford pickup truck was stolen from the Econolodge hotel on Northwest Garfield Avenue. The truck was located near Northwest 27th Street and Northwest Garfield Avenue but eluded police. It was then later stopped by the Benton County Sheriff’s Deputy and the driver was arrested. The driver was given a Probable Cause Affidavit for the charges of Unlawful Use of a Vehicle, Reckless Driving, Reckless Endangering, and Eluding. He is being kept at the Linn County Jail.

Special Response Notice, Loud Noise

A resident at the Beaver Lodge on Northwest Van Buren Avenue was reported for loud noise. The noise, which was coming from the backyard where multiple people were gathered, could be heard from over 50 feet away. The music was turned off and a resident was given a Special Response Notice for Loud Noise and

February 25

Theft 2

A grey heavy duty Rubbermaid wheelbarrow was stolen from the Common Fields on Southwest Third Street. The incident, which occurred at about 3:15, was caught on surveillance.

Found Property

A black machete was found in an alleyway near a pickup on Southwest Third Street. The caller said he’d found the machete when he walked back to his vehicle at about 9:30 a.m. The machete, which was 18-inches and black had a serrated back, a black plastic handle, and a wrist strap attached to it. The black was rusty but appeared to be in good condition. It was found lying near the rear passenger of the pickup truck.

Theft 2

Tools and a cooler were stolen from a Wilco on Northeast Four Acres Place at about 11:30 a.m. on Feb. 19. The male suspect had carried a DeWalt skill saw, chainsaw, and navy Yeti cooler to the outside harden and did not return with the items. It was believed that he tossed the items over the fence then climbed the fence to leave the Wilco property.

Theft 2

A male suspect was captured on video surveillance tearing the tags off a blue jacket then running out the front doors of the store. He left in a 90s style Dodge pickup truck.

Disorderly Conduct 2

A man who had been staying at the Super 8 motel for over a month had his stay terminated on Feb. 25. When he was departing the hotel, he began to yell, kick walls, and “go after” other customers.

The man was taken to the Law Enforcement Center and given a citation in place of custody as well as a trespass notice for the Super 8.

Interfering with Public Property

A man had driven into the grass at the Starker Arts Park on Southwest Country Club Drive then proceeded to do several donuts that damaged the grass. He then left the scene before returning and admitting to causing the damage. He was cited and trespassed from city parks for 30 days.

Theft 2

The manager of the Adult Shop on Northwest Ninth Street reported a theft that happened on Feb. 23. The theft, which was caught on camera, showed a woman concealing a vibrator and lubricant. The items totaled $112.98 and the woman left without paying.

The woman was contacted and given a citation for Theft in the second degree and was trespassed from the location. Another individual who was with the woman at the time was told that he was trespassed from the shop, too.

Violating Restraining Order

A man called 911 while in the parking lot on Northwest Hayes Avenue. He said that he was trying to contact his mother, but Police found there was an active restraining order preventing him from doing so. The man was arrested and taken to the Benton County Jail.

February 26

Disorderly Conduct 2, Physical Harassment

A man entered Tan Republic on Northwest Ninth Street and slammed a tanning bed lid before throwing product around the store. He then attempted to spit on the employee. He was reported for trespassing and taken into custody. He was cited and released at the Law Enforcement Center. 

Driving While Suspended, Misdemeanor

A Mini Cooper with no license plates was stopped for turning into the second land of a street then driving down the middle of the dotted lines in between lanes. The driver said he did not have a valid license and was found to be Driving While Suspended Misdemeanor. He was given a citation in place of custody for DWS and warned for his traffic violations.

Theft 3, False Information to Police Officer, Deception, Warrant Arrest

After the 7 Eleven on Northwest Monroe Avenue reported a theft in progress, a man was found who admitted to stealing property from the store. He attempted to lie about his name due to warrants and was then taken into custody for Theft in the third degree and false information. He had multiple warrants out of multiple jurisdictions and was taken to the Linn County Jail.

Menacing, Dis Conduct, Animal Abuse 2

A man was skateboarding south on Southwest Sixth Street when he was reportedly seen kicking his tan colored dog. He was described as wearing a blue outfit and baseball cap. The caller said the man had kicked the dog about three times and pulled at its leash, though she also said that the dog did not appear to be injured and was walking fine. She told the man to be nice to the dog, but he started telling her and calling her names. The man was not found in the area and there was no probable cause found to arrest him.

Theft 3

A man was reported for stealing a 30 pack of beer from the Safeway on Southwest Third Street. He was described as about 5’8” and 180 pounds, in his late 20s, wearing a black beanie, a black jacket, and white shoes. No one in the area was found matching the description and, due to the power outage, there was no video footage.

Consumption and Possession in Public

A man was seen drinking from a bottle containing a light brown beverage in the Corvallis Skate Park on Southwest B Avenue. The drink was a half full bottle of Steel Reserve alcohol. The man was given a citation in place of custody for the open container.

Trespass 2

An employee of The Robin’s Nest daycare on Northwest Buchanan Avenue reported a man with a grocery cart going through a dumpster. The man was given a trespass notice for the daycare at the employee’s requisition. The man said he understood the citation and left the area.

Theft 2

A bike that was not locked up was stolen from Ideal Options on Northwest Ninth Street between 6 a.m. and 5 p.m. on Feb. 25. The bike was described as a blue Next bike with a secondary color of gray. He was unable to provide any proof of ownership or unique detail about the bike. He said it was a new bike given to him by the owner of a nearby business but was unable to provide the name of the business or person that gave him the bike. The case was discontinued due to a lack of suspect information and investigative leads as well as any clear evidence to support the man as the owner of the bike.

Property Damage, Criminal Mischief 1

A woman reported that between about 4 p.m. on Feb. 25 and about 7 p.m. the next day, her vehicle, which was parked across the street from her residence on Northwest 23rd Street, was damaged on the driver’s side underneath the mirror. Pictures showed a dent about 12 inches in length and additional scratch marks. There were no video cameras or witnesses of the event.

Found Property

A black Swiss Gear backpack that was left inside Max’s Restaurant and More on Northwest Ninth Street was given to Police. An Oregon State University ID card as well as a hunting knife in a sheath, a brown jacket, and various tools were found in the backpack. The owner was unable to be located with the name shown on the OSU ID card.

February 27

Found Property

A red Jansport backpack was found on the porch of a private residence. The backpack contained beer, drug paraphernalia, and marijuana in a Ziploc bag. The bag was taken to the Law Enforcement Center where the backpack and beer were disposed of and the drug paraphernalia and marijuana were put into evidence to be destroyed.

Physical Harassment, Simple Assault

A woman at the Courtyard by Mariott on Southwest First Street called to report that she had seen someone push an older man down. The suspect was said to be pushing a cart with someone else inside and a neon-colored vest over the cart. The victim was described as a man wearing a brown jacket and red beanie. The victim was contacted though he had difficulty standing up and appeared to be heavily intoxicated. He was unable to answer any questions from police due to his intoxication and instead began laughing.

The caller was then contacted, who said she was on the fifth floor when she saw the two subjects push the man before leaving. They said the man stayed on the ground for a few minutes before getting up.

Criminal Trespass 2

A man was reported for trespassing at the Super 8 Motel on Northwest Second Street. He left the area on foot before police arrived but was found and given a trespass notice. He said he would not return to the business. The Super 8 manager then signed the trespass notice.

Found Property

A wallet was found in the Bi-Mart parking lot on Northwest Ninth Street. The wallet is brown and gray, bi fold, and contains a Driver’s License and other miscellaneous cards. The owner of the wallet was unable to be contacted.

Theft 2

A bike was stolen from a residence on Southeast Shoreline Drive on Feb. 27 between 3 p.m. and 3:45 p.m. The bike was described as a black Jet BMX with teal tires, teal rubber grips, and straight handlebars. The bike had been in front of the residence but not locked. The video camera at the residence, which is motion activated, did not catch the theft.

Possession of Methamphetamine, Warrant Arrest

A white Buick Sedan was stopped, and the passenger of the vehicle was found to be in possession of multiple warrants. Both parties consented to a search of the vehicle, during which a small amount of methamphetamine and paraphernalia items were found. The passenger was given citations in place of custody for her warrants as well as a violation level citation for Unlawful Possession of Methamphetamine. The driver was given a traffic violation for Driving While Suspended Violation.

Second Response Notice

A residence on Southwest Chickadee Street was reported for loud noise, which could be heard from over 50 feet away. They’d also been given an initial Special Response notice on Jan. 29. The party hosts were contacted and given a Subsequent Response Notice.

Special Response Notice

A residence on Southwest Sagebrush Drive was reported for loud noise. The noise could be heard from over 50 feet away, so the part host was given a Special Response Notice. He was cooperative and quieted the party.

February 28

Criminal Trespass 2

The employees of a business on Northwest Monroe Avenue said that a man who had been previously trespassed had come back onto the property. The male said he hadn’t entered onto the property and was waiting at the sidewalk for his female friend to make a purchase. There was no active trespass notice on the man and therefore no probable cause to arrest him. The man was given a trespass notice from the business.

Reckless Burning

A tent in the area of Southwest C Avenue and Southwest Fourth Street was on fire. Only one person was in a nearby camp, who refused to give a statement or identify himself. He said only that he believed the fire was intentional as he heard arguing shortly before the fire started. The male was believed to be mentally ill or under the influence of a controlled substance. No investigatory leads or additional information was found.

Criminal Trespass 1

At about 8 p.m., a man on Southwest Western Boulevard said that he saw someone in a vacant residence on his street. No investigatory leads were developed.

March 1

Theft 3

At about 1:45 a.m., the 7 Eleven on Northwest Monroe Avenue reported a male for stealing a beverage, though the video did not show the theft. The staff had only assumed the theft occurred. The suspect was not located.

Criminal Mischief 2

Two tires of a vehicle on Northeast Lancaster Street were punctured overnight. Video showed someone near his vehicle at about 3 a.m. The victim believed the suspect was wearing a red top and black pants but the video was grainy and the suspect was difficult to see.

Consumption or Possession in Public 

Two people on the sidewalk of Southwest Fifth Street and Southwest Monroe were contacted. The male had a bottle of Irish Cream Liquor sitting next to his right leg and the woman had an open 40-ounce bottle of Steel Reserve between her legs. They poured their alcohol out and were given citations in place of custody.

Failure to register as sex offender

A male at the Law Enforcement Center on Northwest Fifth Street admitted to being one day late for his annual registration as a sex offender. He was given a citation.

Criminal Mischief 1 

A vehicle at the retreat on Southwest Bunchberry Avenue was damaged. There is no suspect information. 

Theft 2, Forgery 2 

A woman at Campbell’s Laundry on Northwest Ninth Street said that on Feb. 21 at about 9 a.m., she had been doing her laundry and sat her wallet down on top of a machine. After going outside for about ten minutes, she returned to find that her wallet had been stolen. The wallet had contained three credit cards, a few gift cards, a blank check, her driver’s license and $110. 

Theft 2

The manager of the Bed Bath & Beyond on Northwest Ninth Street said that, at about 12 p.m., a woman had left the store with a $285 Ugg whit comforter set that she did not pay for. The female and male she was with were identified and later found on Northwest Highland Drive. They were cited for Theft in the second degree. The stolen comforter set was recovered and returned to the Bed Bath & Beyond.

Criminal Trespass 2

Two individuals who were trespassing on property at Lincoln Elementary School on Southeast Alexander Avenue were requested to be trespassed. A neighbor provided pictures of the two juveniles on the property. There was no apparent damage to the construction site at the school. 

Unlawful Entry of Motor Vehicle, Criminal Mischief 3 

A vehicle at a residence on Northwest Garryanna Drive was broken into sometime between the afternoon of Feb. 27 and 12:30 on Mar. 1. The driver’s side window had been broken out, but nothing appeared to be missing. The window was estimated to cost $200 to repair.

Theft 2

The store manager at B&R Auto Wrecking on Southeast Third Street reported that an employee had stolen the hood of a truck in the wrecking yard that was valued at about $425.


Employees of the Vina Moses Center on Northwest Garfield Avenue reported that sometime between 5 p.m. on Feb. 28 and 3 p.m. on Mar. 1, someone had left a large plastic tub full of garbage and human waste on their property. Items that appeared to be for donation were left as well. There was no video of the incident and no suspect information.

Theft 2

A woman told police that she had used a Target gift card to make a purchase from the store on Feb. 20. Afterwards, she said someone was able to use the card and used the remaining money that had been on the card. She said Target was currently investigating the situation and would inform her of any updated information. There is no suspect information, and the woman is unsure how someone would have been able to use the card unless Target was hacked.

Found Property

An employee of Fedex on Northwest Ninth Street found a black backpack that someone had brought into the store. Several items of garbage had been left on the side of the store with the backpack. Only used needles and garbage was found in the backpack and it was disposed of.

March 2

Criminal Trespass 2

Residents who live on Northwest Buttercup Drive reported that two men were trying to enter their vehicle and house at about 5:30 a.m. A male in the residence said the doorbell camera had alerted them to activity outside the house and that a white male wearing a red jacket and black mask was walking through the driveway and looking at the vehicles. The male left without doing anything before meeting with another male across the street who was skinnier and wearing dark clothing. The suspects were not located in the area.

Theft 3

Bags the contained bottles were stolen from a residence backyard on Northwest Arnold Way. The resident who reported the incident said, at about 2:30 a.m., her roommate had heard someone walk from the side of the house and into the backyard. She then heard the bag of cans being taken away. The gate to the backyard was found open the next morning.

The stolen bags were Bottledrop bags. Each bag contained about $10 worth of bottles, totaling about $40. The residence did not have any surveillance cameras.

Theft 2

Sometime between 3 p.m. on Feb. 28 and 10 a.m. on March 1, a vehicle in front of a residence on Northwest Arnold Way was broken into. The vehicle’s owner said the glovebox and center console were found open and the contents were laying across the front seats and floorboards of the vehicle. Stolen items included a pair of gold framed Ray Bans in a brown hard case, a black pouch that contained $50 in cash, an iPhone charging cable, hair ties, and a clear bag with receipts.

Theft 2

The Cork and Bottle Shoppe on Northwest Ninth Street reported a cold theft but only wanted the suspect trespassed if they were able to be identified. Video showed what appeared to be a white female in her 50’s with dark hair taking a bottle of Patron Estate Tequila worth $104 and concealing it in her bag. When confronted by staff, she returned it. A white male in his 20’s or 30’s had also been in the store with her. The suspects were unable to be identified.

Theft 2

A bike was stolen from a residence on Northwest 11th Street. The reporting person said that at about 10 p.m. on Feb. 27, her dog started barking and she heard banging against the wall where the bike was chained up. She discovered the next day at 8 a.m. that the bike had been stolen.

The bike was described as a black and silver Schwinn City Cruiser with white lettering. It had black fenders, a black wire rack over both the front and rear tires, and a “LOVE OREGON” sticker with a greenheart on the cross tube. The bike was estimated to cost $300 to replace.

Unlawful Use of Vehicle, Stolen Vehicle

A Dodge Charger was stolen from the Witham Hill Oaks Apartments on Northwest Clubhouse Place. The vehicle had been parked at the owner’s friend’s place at the time.

Failure to Perform Duties as Driver, Property Damage

On the intersection of Northwest Ninth Street and Northwest Circle Boulevard, a white sedan hit the rear of another vehicle. The victim did not want to pursue charges but wanted the information of the other driver to settle the issue. The other driver was contacted, and their information was given to the victim.

March 3

Theft 1

A man on Northwest Greeley Avenue believed that he was the victim of computer fraud. The man said the suspects had taken $14,000 from his savings account then he sent them $13,600 in cash to fix the error. Police tried to stop the delivery of the package but learned on Mar. 4 at 12:50 p.m. that it was delivered anyway.

Physical Harassment, Criminal Mischief 2, Probation Violation, Disorderly Conduct 2

An employee of a business on Southwest Research Way reported that a woman had caused a disturbance at the facility when she shoved a plexiglass divider into an employee before leaving. This resulted in property damage up to $500. The woman was arrested for Harassment, Criminal Mischief in the second degree, and disorderly conduct in the second degree. Her Probation Officer was contacted, who decided to place a probation violation detainer on the woman, who was taken to the Benton County Jail.

Criminal Mischief 2

Two vehicles that had been parked on Southeast Lilly were damaged sometime between 8 p.m. on Mar. 1 and 10 a.m. on Mar. 2. One vehicle had the back license plate painted black, the front license plate painted white, the front headlights painted white, and intermittent key marks on the driver’s side door. The other vehicle has its license plates and headlights painted in the same fashion, as well. The same thing happened to the neighbor, too, and another neighbor’s vehicles had sustained damage. There were no cameras in the area that saw the event.

Theft 2

A ladder was stolen from outside the maintenance building of the 7th Street Apartments on Southwest Seventh Street. The ladder had been chained to the east wall but, sometime between 4 p.m. on Mar. 2 and 9:50 a.m. on Mar. 3, the chain was cut, and the ladder was stolen. The ladder was a 24-foot aluminum Louisville extension ladder.

Harassment, Disorderly Conduct

A man reported that he’d been in the area of Northwest Ponderosa Avenue and Northwest 60th Street, working as a Comcast contractor and checking power poles when he left the property that he had permission to be on. He walked up to a pole on a different property and the landowner started yelling at him to leave and that he was trespassing. The man said he tried to explain the situation, but that the landowner wouldn’t listen. As the man tried to leave, he said the landowner followed him, causing him to need to escape through brambles. The man said the landowner had never threatened him, but that he had frightened him.

The landowner on Northwest 60th Street was later contacted about the incident. He told police that he’d noticed someone trespassing on his property who was dressed in shorts and didn’t look like a Comcast worker. The landowner said he’d told the man to get off his property and that he followed him to his car to make sure he’d left.

Criminal Mischief 2

A backpack was taken from the passenger side seat of a vehicle that was parked at Southwest Reservoir Avenue sometime between 1 p.m. and 2:40 p.m. on Mar. 3. The front driver side window had been broken. The backpack that was stolen was white and from Target. It contained a black, blue and red triangle design wallet with a driver’s license, debit card, insurance card and $2 in cash.

Theft 3

Old California license plates were stolen from a vehicle on Southeast Midvale Drive sometime between May or June of 2018. The reporting person had not reported the theft as he didn’t think anything of value had been taken and thought it was his fault due to the vehicle being left unlocked. However, he received a toll violation from California on Mar. 2. He’d already contested the toll violation but reported the theft in case whoever stole the license plates committed a crime.

Disorderly Conduct 2

A fight was reported at Cibelli’s Pizza on  Northwest Ninth Street. The caller said he’d seen a male push a female in the parking lot. The man was described as a white male in his 30’s, about 5’9”, bald, and wearing a white shirt and shorts. The female was thought to also be in her 30’s, about 5’4”, and skinny with red hair, wearing a long sleeve shirt and jeans. The two then left the area in a small white car, though its license plate belonged to a Ford pickup. Police were unable to locate the vehicle, the caller could not be reached, and no one else had witnessed the event.

Found Property

A man was seen walking in the area of Northwest Tenth Street and Northwest Jackson Avenue with two bicycles. Neither bicycle had been reported as stolen, but the black bicycle that the man had was not believed to be his. The bike was seized and placed in evidence as found property, though no victims or owners have been identified.

March 4

Criminal Trespass 2

A man returned to the Hollingsworth and Vose property on Southeast Crystal Lake after being given a verbal warning not to return. An employee of the store requested that the man be given a trespass notice since he’d already been given a verbal warning. A trespass notice was completed and signed by the employee before being given to the man. He was told that he would be arrested for trespassing if he returned. He left the property.

Theft 2

A dark green briefcase was stolen from a bus driver while the bus was in operation. The victim said that at about 8:30 p.m. on Mar. 1, surveillance captured two individuals talking to each other on the bus. One then grabbed the briefcase and put it into a shopping bag. Both individuals got off the bus on Northwest Walnut Boulevard. The briefcase was estimated to cost $120.

Driving While Suspended, Misdemeanor

A blue Hyundai was seen driving northbound on Northwest First Street that belonged to a man who had been involved in previous contacts. The man was arrested for Driving While Suspended Misdemeanor.

Disorderly Conduct 2, Interference with a Peace Officer, Disorderly Conduct, Resisting Arrest

A man on Southwest Brooklane Drive and Southwest Philomath Boulevard went into traffic, kicked a car, and chased after the driver. He didn’t stop when ordered to and resisted arrest. He also did not identify himself by his legal name. He was transported to jail and received a citation for Disorderly Conduct in the second degree, Interfering with a Peace Officer, and Resisting Arrest.

March 5

Theft 3

Six white trash bags filled with aluminum cans were stolen from a residence on Knollbrook Avenue. They were taken sometime between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. and a male was seen leaving with three of the white trash bags. He was believed to have stolen about $40 worth of cans.

Vehicle Accident

A black vehicle brushed against an ambulance while it was stopped near immediate care. The collision caused a paint scuff. Both parties exchanged information before leaving the scene.

Theft 2

A woman reported that someone was selling a puppy online for $600. She determined the seller was fake and did not lose any money but did give them her home address.

Theft 3

A vehicle that was parked in front of a residence on Southwest Secher Lane had its rear license plate stolen sometime between 10 a.m. on Mar. 1 and 4 p.m. on Mar. 5. The vehicle did not have a front plate. There were no witnesses or cameras in the area.

When a history of the plate was run, it came back stating that it’d also been run on Mar. 3 in the parking lot of Comfort Inn and Suites in Albany. The Albany dispatch stated they were not involved in the case and had just happened to be in the parking lot.

Theft 3

A man stole a $15 thermometer from the Men’s Shelter on Southeast Chapman Place. The man was unable to be located or identified.

Driving Under Influence, Reckless Driving

A vehicle crashed into a ditch at the intersection of Southwest Philomath Boulevard and Southwest 66th Street. The driver had a Blood Alcohol Content of 0.31% and was arrested for Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants.

March 6  

Criminal Mischief 2

A male had been at the back entrance of the Happy Hollow Salon on Northwest Second Street and an employee was concerned he might attempt to break in. The male was contacted near the back door and given a citation in place of arrest for attempted Criminal Mischief in the second degree.

Found Property

A cell phone was found in front of a residence on Northwest 11th Street. The phone was a Motorola touch screen black phone.

Criminal Mischief 2, Property Damage, Hit and Run

Between 7 p.m. on Mar. 5 and about 2 p.m. on Mar. 6, a vehicle that had been parked on Northwest Markham Place sustained damage to the driver’s side front bumper. Pictures showed multiple scratch and scrape marks as well as removed paint. There were no witnesses or cameras in the area.

Theft 2

A vehicle that was parked on Southwest Englewood Avenue was broken into between about 11:30 a.m. on Mar. 5 and 4 p.m. the next day. A black, silver, and red cast steel high lift jack that was attached to the driver’s side door was taken from the vehicle. The vehicle’s owner did have a camera but the camera did not catch the incident.

Theft 1 Aggravated

Military gear was stolen from a vehicle that was parked at an apartment complex on Southwest Sagebrush Drive. The incident happened between Mar. 5 at about 10 p.m. and 2 p.m. the next day. There was no damage, but the owner is unsure how the vehicle was entered due to it being locked. About $10,000 worth of military gear was stolen including Marine Corps uniforms, boots, and a backpack. There were no cameras or witnesses.

Criminal Mischief 2

A resident of Northwest Taylor Avenue found footprints and kick marks on the passenger side of her vehicle that had been parked on the street. She said the incident happened sometime between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Mar. 6. There were no cameras or witnesses to the event.

Dog at Large

A brown and cream husky was found running around an apartment complex on Northwest Calliope Drive. The dog was taken to Heartland Humane Society on Southwest Twin Oaks Circle.


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