Patience Womack, Assistant Editor
Fifth year
Psychology major, Education minor
All content by Patience Womack
Oregon State University reported 785 positive cases of COVID-19 between Jan. 3 and Jan. 9, out of 6,972 tests administered in that timeframe.
For the week of Dec. 6 to 12, the last week of fall term,...
Correction: Derek Chauvin stands accused of unintentional second-degree murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter for the death of George Floyd, but has not been convicted. This article...
This article is a part of the START issue, a guide for all incoming Oregon State University students and their families going through START, which aims to help familiarize them with the campus, college...
Oregon State University researchers and scientists, in partnership with the Benton County Health Department, hope to use the new TRACE-COVID-19 project to better understand how prevalent the virus is throughout...
First place: Weatherford Hall Each academic school year, the Oregon State University community has a chance to vote for their favorite residence halls out of the 16 located on campus, with the top three...
First place: GoodwillEach school year, Oregon State University students and Corvallis, Ore. community members have the chance to vote for their favorite clothing store in Corvallis, with the first-place...
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