Our news coverage wouldn’t be possible without the support and engagement of our readers. We believe that public discourse is important to our society, and news plays a vital role in that process. In...
As reporters, we write quotes as naturally as they fall out of a person’s mouth. Sure, we take out the “um’s,” the “you know?’s” and the “like’s” but it’s what is at the heart of...
As the citizens of Ukraine fight for the right to their own land, the loss of life at the hands of Russian imperialism is felt here in Corvallis, Ore., as many residents have ties to their Ukraine heritage,...
The theme of this issue is Looking Forward: A new year. A new term. We chose this theme because we—as an Oregon State University community, as Corvallis, Ore. citizens, as Oregonians and as a nation—have...
If media is neglectful or silenced, false and harmful beliefs are permitted to disseminate. We, as a student media organization, believe in the continued coverage of not only current events, but also current...
This last Friday, the 45th President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States.According...