For students seeking employment, Oregon State University will be hosting several career fairs over the next few weeks, offering opportunities for students to connect with employers across all industries.
After the pandemic negatively affected the social lives of many Oregon State University students throughout 2021, the return to in-person social events has helped extracurriculars and clubs to have better...
Associated Students of Oregon State University President Dhru Patel said one of the most difficult obstacles the pandemic created was disabling the club’s ability to provide in-person resources.
Oregon State University officials are gaining confidence that the university community can return to in-person learning in the upcoming fall term, though on-site instruction won’t look completely normal. The...
Oregon State University is moving back to in-person instruction for the fall term of the 2021-22 academic school year, according to an announcement made by OSU President F. King Alexander. Alexander made...
Oregon State University will conduct most fall term classes remotely in an effort to minimize the spread of COVID-19 among the university community, as conditions trend toward level three of OSU’s four...