Oregon State University has added cricket as an intramural sport this term, with the first tournament happening April 27. Cricket is similar to baseball, with two teams of 11 players, and each team takes...
Almost every inch of the courts at Dixon Recreation Center was covered by basketball shoe-clad feet, with 117 students waiting for the 3v3 co-rec basketball tournament to begin. Out of these 117 players,...
Sign-ups available for sand volleyball, badminton, basketball and soccerWith summer term underway, students at Oregon State University have the opportunity to get involved with summer intramural sports...
Joshua Enas
Multimedia Contributor November 3, 2016
Recent patrons of Dixon Recreation Center may have noticed a large, multicolored addition to the sidewalk outside the building’s main entrance. “Sign up today for I.M. 3v3 Basketball Tournament!”...