Editor's Note (1/30/2024): This story has been updated to correct Joe Page's position, which is "a member of the Athletics Student advisory board." It has also been updated to reflect the non-binding vote...
Editor’s Note: This column does not represent the opinion of The Daily Barometer. This column reflects the personal opinions of the writer.
Oregon’s minimum wage will increase to $13.50 an hour...
During the 2021-22 school year, the Student Fee Committee, which makes decisions on incidental and Student Facility Improvement fees, voted to remove the incidental fees from what students taking summer...
Public colleges, including Oregon State University, have received less state funding in recent years, forcing students and families to make up the difference, but many wonder where this increasing tuition...
Student fee funded units at Oregon State University have proposed increases to their budgets to return to pre-pandemic operation levels, which would increase student fees during the 2022-23 academic year.
Correction: Joe Page's title has been updated to indicate his Pro Tempore status as the ASOSU Speaker of the House of Representatives
The Oregon State University Student Fee Committee will hold meetings...
The price of tuition at Oregon State University varies based on residency; yet, student fees are a flat rate added to the cost of attendance to fund different student services on campus. The breakdown...
The Oregon State University Board of Trustees deliberated and voted on decisions regarding tuition and fees for the 2020-21 school year, reducing student incidental fees for spring 2020 and developing...
As much of the campus has closed and classes are being offered remotely to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the Associated Students of Oregon State University, OSU’s student government, has passed an...
A petition that has been making rounds the past few weeks has reached over 15,700 signatures from Oregon State University community members, according to its page on the Change.org website. The petition,...
The Associated Students of Oregon State University, OSU’s student government, have been working with university administration to help maintain student employment and to lower student fees during the...
The Athletics student fee was increased from $40.71 to $41.93 per student in the fall, winter and spring terms of 2020-21, during a mediation session on Feb. 3, held by Associated Students of Oregon State...