Students advised to apply ‘as soon as possible’ for on-campus housing

Zeva Rosenbaum, Photographer

Weatherford Hall, an Oregon State University student resident hall, as viewed from Intramural Lane. Weatherford is one of the man dorms that students can live in during their first year at OSU.

Sam Albert, News Contributor

On-campus housing applications for the 2022-23 school year have already opened, and with Oregon State University’s high student population, University Housing and Dining Services staff recommend students begin their housing search soon. 

Housing applications for first-year students opened on Feb. 10 and priority registration will continue until May 10. First-year students who apply for housing before the priority registration date can choose their roommates in June. First-year students can apply after this priority registration deadline but will not be eligible for online roommate matching. 

For second-year students, the priority registration date opened on Feb. 1 and will close on March 30 at 5 p.m. Another phase for housing applications for second-year students and above will begin on April 20 and close on May 13. 

According to Brian Stroup, the UHDS director of operations and facilities, applying for housing as soon as possible gives students the greatest scope of living options, and at this stage in the process, there are no financial obligations associated with searching for somewhere to live. 

“In addition to starting your search early, make sure you understand the fine print in leases or rental agreements,” Stroup said. “For example, many leases in town are for a 12-month term versus a contract to live on campus that is for nine months, mid- September to mid-June.” 

OSU offers a wide variety of single room options in residence halls and studio apartments at The Gem Apartments for students that wish to live alone, as well as a roommate matching program for those who would like to live with others. 

“For students to take advantage of [the roommate matching] process, they must first apply for housing and sign their contract,” Stroup said. “Once this is done, students can engage in a roommate or suitemate match from Feb. 15 through the end of March.” 

One of the primary concerns for many undergraduate students searching for housing in Corvallis, Ore. is affordability, but with the term progressing at full speed, it can be difficult to find time to even scout out some of the cheaper living options. 

“I have not yet used OSU’s resources for finding housing,” said Paige Schmidt, an OSU first-year marine biology student. “It can be a bit confusing and overwhelming trying to sort through all of the emails UHDS sends to find the housing ones.” 

Like other first and second years in the dorms, Schmidt has not had the opportunity to explore their options for next year but knows with certainty that they would like to move off campus. 

“I’ve been looking online for apartments in and around Corvallis,” Schidmt said. “People are more mature and respectful of the place around you, and there’s also not an obligation to always be socializing with your neighbors. Personally, I think it will be good for my mental health to separate my school and social life.” 

For other students, however, living on campus is an obvious choice. The dining plans and communal atmosphere of the residence halls can prove comforting to a sizable portion of the student body. 

Second-year chemical engineering student Deja Preusser, who is also the student representative and resident assistant at McNary Hall, said she has not considered any other option besides being an RA. 

Preusser said she feels she got lucky that her first year of college was online since she didn’t have to pay for housing as a freshman student. 

“Going into college, I knew I was going to be an RA as a sophomore,” Preusser said. “Free housing, free dining and on-campus living makes everything really accessible… Sometimes it feels like there’s more going on on campus than off campus.” 

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