Corvallis Police Log: Oct. 25-31

Kelsy Valentine, News Reporter

October 25

Shoplifting 2

Winco Foods reported a shoplifter at approximately 12:50 a.m. after an employee saw two males leave the store with two six packs of beer that they supposedly didn’t pay for. 

The employee said both males were wearing masks and had hoods up and that they left in a white vehicle. Additionally, the employee didn’t think the cameras would provide any useful information and police were unable to locate the vehicle.

Smoking in Prohibited Public

A man and a woman were yelling in the interior hallway of an apartment complex because the woman was smoking there, even when she didn’t live in the apartment. The man said he felt unsafe taking his dog for a walk. 

The woman cooperated with police and was given a citation for smoking a cigarette in the hallway of an apartment complex that she did not live in.

Theft 3

Police were dispatched to Shari’s restaurant at approximately 8:42 a.m. for a report of a customer who left without paying for his meal. The man supposedly ate a large meal then sat in the restaurant for over an hour before telling the manager he had already paid for his meal as he left. The manager confirmed with a waitress that the man had not paid. 

Police later located the man and issued him a citation for theft of the third degree. 

Found Property 

While walking her dog, a woman found a cell phone in a black case laying on the corner of the sidewalk near NW Van Buren Avenue and NW 21st Street. Police were unable to unlock the phone to locate the owner’s information.

Theft 2

At approximately 1:30 p.m., a man reported 5 holiday projectors as having been stolen from his yard sometime between 12 a.m. and 11 a.m. The projectors were supposedly worth $250.

October 26

Criminal Mischief 

At about 8 a.m. the LEC was notified that while a resident was shopping at Home Depot, someone had broken her passenger rear side window, a loss of about $200. She said the incident happened the previous day, on Oct. 25, at about 5:30 p.m. while she was in the store. Nothing had been stolen from the car and the woman had no suspect information.

Theft 2 from vehicle 

A man reported that his vehicle had been broken into sometime between Oct. 24 at 6 p.m. and Oct. 25 at 12 p.m. He stated that he was missing a boom box, radar detector, and two gallons of alcohol, all of which was valued at about $220. There is no suspect information for the theft.

Theft 3 

A man called to report a torn up, empty Amazon package near NW Jackson Avenue and NW Kings Boulevard. The package was addressed to a woman living on NW Kings Boulevard, who confirmed that the package had been stolen while she was gone on Oct. 23. The contents of the package included sponges and Vitamin A, totaling about $18. 

There was no suspect information and, due to a lack of information or other leads, the case has been dismissed. 

Theft 2 from vehicle

At approximately 10 a.m., a chainsaw was reported stolen from a Corvallis resident’s flatbed truck. It was stolen on Oct. 24 at about 3 p.m. while the victim was in the Walmart parking lot. The suspect left going south and appeared to be a tall, white adult male wearing dark clothing. 

No distinguishing features could be gathered from the Walmart video footage. The case has currently been discontinued. 

Identity Theft

A woman had provided her social security number to a scammer and was given resources going forward. The number they received the call from was listed as a non-fixed Voice over Internet Protocol, which is technology that allows someone, rather than using a regular phone line, to make voice calls using broadband internet connection instead.

There are no suspect leads, and the case has been discontinued.

Criminal Mischief 2, Theft from vehicle

A man reported that his vehicle on NW Harrison Boulevard had been broken into. He said the rear window had been broken and that about $400 worth of Dewalt tools were stolen. There is a video of a possible suspect but they have not yet been identified.

Theft from vehicle

Found property was reported to the police, which was determined to belong to someone who’s vehicle had been broken into over the weekend. There is no current suspect information.

October 27

Found Property

A business owner reported that she had found property behind her business earlier that day. The found property included four textbooks with a name written inside them. Police tried to contact the name written in the book but were unsuccessful. Two empty containers were also found but disposed of.

Theft 2 from building

A woman reported that, at about 2 a.m., an unknown suspect had taken one of her video surveillance cameras, valued at $100.

Trespass 2

At about 3:50 p.m., police witnessed two people on SW First Street and SW Jefferson Avenue standing together. One of the two was drinking a beer. Police talked to both people and recognized one of them as being trespassed from all city parks. 

Dispatch confirmed that he was still trespassed. Police gave the man a citation for trespass of the second degree with a Municipal court date.  

October 28 

Theft 1 from vehicle

Between the hours of 12 a.m. and 9 a.m., a bag of motocross items were removed from the bed of a Corvallis resident’s Toyota Tacoma. The items in the motocross bag that are now missing include a camouflage duffle bag valued at about $300, custom knee braces valued at about $1,200, a helmet valued at about $599, and about five sets of racing uniforms in various colors that are about $100 each. 

There is no suspect information so the case is being discontinued.

Unlawful Entry into Motor Vehicle

Two people were arrested for Attempted Unlawful Entry into a Motor Vehicle after witnesses saw them standing on the back bumper of a Corvallis Police Department truck pick-up truck, trying to open the tailgate and storage box. The two were also drunk. They were cited and released but threw their copies of the citations into a nearby park and refused to take them.

Camping in Public places

Police posted an illegal camp at the edge of the riverbank in Riverfront Park after, several weeks earlier, Parks and Recreation Department staff identified a camp in the area. They had posted a warning on Oct. 24 that the camp would be posted. 

No one was inside the camp but it consisted of a tent with bedding and a camouflage tarp. There were also chairs and other assorted items. The illegal camping notice was attached to the tarp. Parks and Rec Department staff are arranged to clean up the camp.

Criminal Mischief 2, Theft 2 from vehicle

A man called into the LEC to report criminal mischief and theft from his vehicle sometime between 7 p.m. on Oct. 27 and 1:15 p.m. on Oct. 28. The passenger rear window had been shattered and he said his Oregon State University was stolen. He said that a pair of Nike cleats, a Nike chest piece, and a battle mouthguard were inside. 

The case has been discontinued due to a lack of suspect information.

Theft 2 from vehicle 

A woman called into the LEC to report a theft from her vehicle between 10 p.m. on Oct. 27, and 9 a.m. on Oct. 28. She said that her car had been broken into and that a black box with silver trim, two locking latches full of makeup, and $50 cash had been stolen. She also stated that there was no damage to the vehicle. 

The case has been discontinued due to a lack of suspect information.

Dog at Large

At about 4:30 p.m., a dog was found running at large by a man who did not see the owner. The dog, a brown male German Short Hair, was transported to the Heartland Humane Society on SW Twin Oaks Circle.

Trespass 2

At about 6 p.m., an employee of Peacock Bar and Grill reported that there was a man in the business who had been asked to leave the property on the previous day but had returned. The employee said the man had previously tried to fight a female bartender so they didn’t feel comfortable asking him to leave.

The employee wanted the man formally trespassed so police identified the man and gave him, and the restaurant, a Trespass notice. The man then paid for his tab and left.

Theft 3 from vehicle

A woman reported that her two vehicles had been broken into, which were both parked in the car port of her residence. She left the residence at about 5 p.m. on Oct. 28 and returned at about 8 p.m. to find that the front passenger doors of both vehicles had been opened, although there was no damage to either. 

Nothing had been stolen from the first vehicle, a red Chevrolet Malibu, but a Camelbak Fourteener backpack and a pair of adidas shoes were stolen from the second, a black Acura. There were no video cameras of witnesses in the area. The case has been dismissed due to a lack of evidence.

October 29

Identity Theft

At about 11:20 a.m., police contacted a man by telephone about a loan taken out in his name for $65,000. The man said that he had already contacted the FBI and filed a complaint since the crime had not occurred in Corvallis, Oregon but that he also needed to file a local police report. 

The man told police that he had been on the phone with the FBI and other agencies all morning. Police gave him a case number and he was told to contact them with any further questions.

Found Property 

A red Sony Personal Audio System work radio had been found on NW Harrison Boulevard. The radio was brought back to the LEC and the serial number was run, though it did not come back as stolen. The radio was placed into evidence as found property.

Vehicle Accident

A motor vehicle accident occurred on NW 15th Street and NW Polk Avenue. Both parties exchanged their information.

Damaging Property

At about 9:40 p.m., police were dispatched to the Days Inn for a report of Criminal Mischief. The caller said that she had heard a loud bang outside her window and looked to see a shopping car bounce off her car, which a group of three males had thrown. 

The woman believed she recognized one of the men as they were coworkers. She did not see who had pushed the cart but saw her coworker grab it and leave the area. The car’s bumper had been scratched by the shopping car but the damages were approximated to be less than $100.

The woman’s coworker was later contacted and he said after he got off work, he was walking through the parking lot to meet someone at Riva’s Taco Shop. He claimed that a transient male was following him and that his acquaintance had been pushing a shopping cart. 

The male was reportedly very intoxicated and asked him for money. The male then pushed the shopping cart into the woman’s vehicle and took off running. The woman’s coworker stayed by the vehicle to confirm there was no damage to it then pushed the cart out of the way, so it wasn’t in the middle of the parking lot. He said the scratches on the bumper were from a car accident the woman had gotten in a few weeks back. He did not know the last name or contact information of his acquaintance.

Police could not find probable cause to arrest the woman’s coworker for damaging property based on the man’s statement and the fact that the woman had not seen who pushed the shopping cart.

Loud Noise Disturbance

At about 11:30 p.m., police responded to a report of a noise disturbance in a townhouse with approximately 10-15 people inside. When police arrived, they parked 100 feet away and could clearly hear people yelling and screaming. The tenant was then contacted, and police explained they were in violation because yelling and screaming could clearly be heard outside the residence. The tenant was given an initial Special Response Notice for Loud Noise.

October 30

Theft 3, Criminal Trespass 1

At about 2 p.m., a Safeway employee reported that a male had stolen a container of potato salad and two Golden Road Mando Cart Ale’s with a total value of $11.47. The man who supposedly stole these items was later located in the Dari Mart parking lot and was cited in place of custody for theft of the third degree and criminal trespass of the second degree.

Criminal Trespass 2

An employee of the Church of Christ reported that a man was sitting on the front steps of the church talking to himself. The employee requested that the male be trespassed. Police contacted the man, who reportedly had mental health issues as police were unable to understand him. He was saying he believed his backpack was inside the church. 

The police gave the man a trespass notice, which he signed, then explained it to the man. He was given a copy of the trespass form then left the property.

Identity Theft

Police contacted a man by phone after he reported that a debit card had been established in his name. He told police that he just needed a police report to give to the bank and explained that on Oct. 28, he had received a US Bank visa debit card in the mail that was addressed to him and had his name on it, but that he had never ordered a debit card. 

He called the US Bank, who informed him that the debit card was ordered from an unemployment office in Ohio, using his information. The bank cancelled the card and requested that the man obtain a police report. He said that none of his bank accounts or other personal information had been compromised. 

Criminal Mischief 1

Police spoke to a woman about a report of vandalism, which she says happened on Oct. 14 between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. She told police that she had parked her car at Walmart and entered the store to get groceries. When she came back out, she noticed damage to her vehicle, which included three key marks, about 3 inches in length, on the passenger side rear door. 

Additionally, there was a dent of about one inch in length under the passenger side mirror. The estimated damages total $1,100. The woman said she had history with another male and believed him to be the cause of damage to her vehicle, but there is no evidence. The case will be discontinued due to a lack of evidence.

Criminal Trespass 1

At about 8 p.m., police were dispatched for a burglary in progress on NW 9th street. Supposedly the man had broken into the house and gotten physical with the residents. 

After investigation, the man was arrested for Trespass 1. Police say it also appeared that he was highly intoxicated and believed he was in his own home.

Purchase/Possession by Minor

At about 9 p.m., police saw a male in a black sweatshirt and jeans carrying an open can of White Claw. They stopped him near NW 14th Street and NW Monroe Avenue but, when police got out of the car, he attempted to hide the alcohol. 

Police told him that they’d seen the can and asked him to dump it out. He complied, pouring out the rest of the can, and identified himself as a minor. He had slurred speech and watery eyes as police explained to him that having an open container was a crime in Corvallis. He was given a warning but did receive a citation for Minor in Possession – Alcohol.

October 31

Criminal Trespass 2, Simple Harassment

At about 9:30 p.m., someone called to report that there was a male in the Safeway on SW Third Street who had supposedly grabbed an employee. The caller said the male was a white male with white, long hair and a white beard and that he was wearing a striped button-down shirt and a blue jacket. 

When officers arrived, they identified the man based on prior contacts. They also learned that the man had been previously trespassed from that location, so he was transported to the LEC where he was cited in place of custody.

Warrant Arrest, Suspicious Subject

A man was reported to be prowling the staircases of an apartment on NE Lancaster Street. The caller who reported the suspect said the man was wearing a blue and white checkered shirt. 

Police later located the suspect, who tried to run from them and was seen entering a blue Nissan. He was found and discovered to have a Linn County Warrant, which he was sited for in place of custody. It is assumed that he had been looking for bikes.

Theft 1

At about 2 p.m., police spoke with a woman about a bicycle theft, who said that her bike had been locked on a rack by her apartment complex. She last saw her bike on Oct. 30 at about 10:15 p.m. and noticed it was stolen on Oct. 31 at about 1 p.m. with only the rear tire left behind.

Apartment management said they have no video cameras in the area so, due to lack of evidence, the case is being discontinued.  

Theft 3

At about 2:30, a woman reported by phone a break in of her vehicle. She said she had parked her car in the parking lot of her apartment complex at about 7 p.m. on Oct. 30 and noticed the damage to her vehicle at about 1 p.m. the next day. She said the front driver side window had been completely shattered and that a black wallet was stolen from the vehicle, but that there was nothing valuable inside the wallet. She said the apartment complex was currently reviewing camera footage for evidence. 

The case will be discontinued unless video evidence is found.

Hit and Run, Criminal Mischief 2 

Police spoke with a man who said that, at about 2 p.m., he heard what sounded like a crash and went outside to notice his mailbox was hit. He said one of the mailboxes had been hit while the other was bent, and that both would need to be replaced. He said the suspect vehicle had left behind the passenger side cap to the mirror, which belonged to either a Toyota or a Nissan. 

He did not see the vehicle that hit his mailbox, however. Due to lack of evidence, the case will be discontinued.

Theft 2

At about 3:15 p.m., police responded to a cold theft of a six pack of beer from the Walmart on NW Ninth Street. When they arrived, police spoke to the Walmart manager who said she saw a man use a green Walmart hand basket steal a 6-pack of beer from an endcap display near the front windows, both the 6-pack and basket being valued at about $210. 

The manager showed the officer photos, who recognized him immediately. The man was later located with the hand basket and empty beer cans and taken to the LEC, where he was cited in place of custody.

Burglary 1, Theft 2 

A man called to report a cold burglary on SW Timber Ridge Drive. The caller said someone had entered his garage the morning of Oct. 28 and stole a DeWalt Drill, a DeWalt Impact Driver, two rapid charging stations, and four batteries. 

The police did not develop any investigatory leads and the case was discontinued.

Criminal Trespass 2

An employee at Sweetheart Dessert reported a transient male at the front of the business acting strange and scaring people. 

When police arrived, they recognized the man from previous police contacts and noticed he was intoxicated with empty beer bottles next to him. The store requested that the man be trespassed from the property. Police gave the man a copy of the trespass notice. He was then transported to the LEC for other previous unrelated charges.

Criminal Mischief 3

Police spoke with a man on the phone about vandalism, who said that he left his home at about 12 a.m. and that when he returned at about 8 a.m., he noticed damage to his boxwood bush. 

He said it looked like someone was pushed through the bush and sent pictures of the damage to police. There were no cameras or witnesses in the area and, due to a lack of evidence, the case is being discontinued. 

 Criminal Mischief 3

A man reported that he came home at about 1 a.m. on Oct. 31 to find dog poop on his stairwell, trash on the stairs, and the words “Run, Run, But You’re Done” written on the mailbox of his residence. The man believes his neighbors vandalized his property due to a history between the two, but does not have evidence of it. 

The case is being discontinued due to a lack of evidence.

Consumption/Possession in Public

At about 11:30 p.m., a police officer was completing a foot patrol near NW Jackson Avenue and NW 23rd Street when he saw a female cross the street carrying an open can of Truly.

The police shined their flashlight at her but only after announcing themselves did the woman turn around. The police asked her to dump out the remainder of the container, and she complied. Police cited her in place of custody for Open Container.

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