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The Student News Site of Oregon State University

The Daily Barometer

The Student News Site of Oregon State University

The Daily Barometer

ASOSU President calls for student input on resolution for OSU to divest from Israel

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Oregon State University students now have a direct line to share their thoughts on the resolution calling OSU to divest from associations funding Israel.

The Associated Students of OSU President Carissa O’Donnell shared a letter Friday calling for students to share their thoughts on a call for the university to “divest from the ongoing illegal occupation of Palestine and genocide of Palestinians” by May 13.

On Wednesday, the ASOSU Senate passed Senate Resolution 83.09 which asks that OSU divest from companies such as PepsiCo/Sabra Hummus and Hewlett-Packard (HP) who have been identified as contributing monetarily to the war according to the resolution and Human Rights Watch, an international non-governmental organization that researches and advocates for human rights.

According to the letter, students may submit their feedback to [email protected] for O’Donnell to review before passing or vetoing the bill.

If passed, it will be moved forward to OSU President Jayathi Murthy, members of the OSU Board of Trustees and additional administration members.

“Not all students had the opportunity to attend the meeting (when Senate Resolution 83.09 passed) and provide their input on this matter, and I intend to create space for those who would have liked to attend to provide feedback and were not able to,” O’Donnell wrote in the letter shared on ASOSU’s Instagram.

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