As the new year passes, so does the Barometer first term of the 2024-2025 school year. In what was a chaotic first term, our team had the privilege of covering first hand breaking news, features on people...
We’re putting a twist on the singular “Letter from the Editor” to demonstrate the collaborative nature of this issue! The Barometer is all about reporting news that matters...
Hey Beavers! If you’re here, that means you’re reading our April print issue, mainly surrounded on the topic of accessibility. Accessibility comes in all different forms. We asked our Barometer reporters...
Welcome back to campus, Beavers! My name is Katie Livermore, and I’m the Editor-in-Chief for what we call “The Baro,” (that’s bear-oh), OSU’s student newspaper. Our aim is to deliver independent...
The Barometer has taken a different shape as you all have noticed in this month’s print edition. We have shifted our printing format to a more traditional broadsheet paper and away from the look the...
I feel privileged to be in the position I am in during such a big milestone for The Daily Barometer. While I am incredibly proud of the paper I am leading today and the great strides we have made to become...
As you can probably already tell, this paper is not like our usual print issues. A lot has changed throughout the course of this pandemic, and The Daily Barometer is no exception. As the editor-in-chief...
This last Friday, the 45th President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States.According...