The Barometer has taken a different shape as you all have noticed in this month’s print edition. We have shifted our printing format to a more traditional broadsheet paper and away from the look the...
Oregon State University’s The Daily Barometer introduced the city section to the newspaper a year ago in 2020 and since then, this addition has opened more opportunities and the section aims to provide...
In The Daily Barometer’s 125 years of history, the newspaper has experienced and published groundbreaking events; from implementing historical changes in the newspaper structure to covering controversial...
One of the critical factors contributing to The Barometer’s exceedingly long history is the editors-in-chief who have helped the newspaper to come together and grow into new opportunities.Last school...
As you can probably already tell, this paper is not like our usual print issues. A lot has changed throughout the course of this pandemic, and The Daily Barometer is no exception. As the editor-in-chief...
Jaycee Kalama, Incoming Editor-in-Chief September 7, 2020
In the wake of the Black Lives Matter movement, the COVID-19 pandemic and Oregon State University’s development of an in-house police force, news media—including The Daily Barometer—plays an overwhelmingly...
Navigating the world can be difficult and cruel. As an editor and person of color, it is better defined as unforgiving. I used to try to dismiss comments that questioned the integrity of my reporting...
Delaney Shea, Incoming Editor-in-Chief June 10, 2019
Growth occurs when the pain of staying still outweighs the pain of change, goes a common saying. Acknowledging the breakdown in communication between journalists and our readers, viewers and listeners...
Personal experience with racism informs sense of civic duty as journalistDuring my first week as a bright-eyed optimistic Oregon State freshman, I was told words I would never unhear: “people like you...
Gratitude. If I had to narrow my experience as Editor-in-Chief down to one word, it would be gratitude. Over the past year, we have done a lot here at The Baro. We have transitioned from a daily to a...
This last Friday, the 45th President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump, signed an executive order banning citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States.According...