The Student News Site of Oregon State University

The Daily Barometer

The Student News Site of Oregon State University

The Daily Barometer

The Student News Site of Oregon State University

The Daily Barometer

Welcome to the Baro: Who We Are

Our mission is to listen to you. We write these stories for you. What you see, feel and hear on campus, we report.

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We are the Daily Barometer, lovingly called “Baro,” and we are your OSU student newspaper, giving you breaking news on campus, opinions of diverse student perspectives and goings-on of campus. We are 100% student-run apart from OSU, which means we publish independently without being overseen by any OSU officials: you can trust we report unbiased news.

All of us are students just like you. Editors, writers, photographers, marketers and graphic designers collaborate with every major imaginable. Most of us aren’t journalism majors; we’re studying sciences, history, languages, business, and the list goes on. We also share a diversity in identities, keeping each other accountable and educated to report with equity, integrity and justice.

If you have news, stories or issues you’d like to report, please submit a news tip and we will reply as soon as possible.

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