In The Daily Barometer’s 125 years of history, the newspaper has experienced and published groundbreaking events; from implementing historical changes in the newspaper structure to covering controversial...
As of June 5, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. this map is no longer being updated.This map shows the number of reported COVID-19 cases by county in Oregon, as well as the number of reported COVID-19 deaths as of June...
All eyes are on the sun. All movement on the Oregon State University campus slows to a halt, and the air is still and heavy. High above, the moment everyone has been waiting for arrives: the shadow of...
Tapping into a world full of ideas means tapping into a world of diversity. According to Skip Rochefort, an associate professor of chemical engineering at Oregon State University, new ideas spring from...
Approximately one month after a March 17 meeting was interrupted by student protesters, the OSU Board of Trustees will meet on April 21 via telephone to finalize budget and tuition questions left unanswered...
Joe Wolf, News Contributor and Rosie Morehead March 8, 2017
On Tuesday March 7, the ASOSU presidential and vice presidential candidates confronted one another for the first time at a live debate hosted by Orange Media Network on the fourth floor of the Student...
Ronnie Stacy streaked up the sideline, looking back for a pass from his teammate after he crossed half court.Stacy was scrimmaging with his teammates this summer in Oregon State’s practice facility.As...
Working group to be formed to reevaluate rate at later dateIn a firelit conference room high above Reser Stadium, 12 Oregon State University students decided the $2.7 million Athletics Department student...
Two weeks ago, a bake sale was held in the SEC Plaza in which the prices of goods were determined by the buyer’s race or ethnicity. This event was put on by Turning Point USA, a conservative activist...
Despite there being a student organization on campus that engages over 300 people from all over the world, with members from Africa to the Middle East, you might not have heard of them or their work.The...
Figuring out where to live can be an incredible burden on any Oregon State University student, but international students specifically face a unique set of challenges. The biggest problems for international...