Yoga poses fit for your residence hall room

Skye J. Lyon, Forum contributor

Full time school plus a non-existent social life equals no embedded routine workout schedule.

This can be disheartening for those gym rats who would normally live at Dixon on any given term; however, if you fall in the category stated above, you can get your daily dose of physical activity without ever leaving your own room.

Your standard residence hall holds close confined quarters that give you little to no space to spread your extremities to their full capacity, but this should not deter you from utilizing your space as a prop to achieve various poses and push your body to new levels of flexibility and serenity.

Before diving into practice, take a second and position yourself in the center of your space. .

By far the humblest pose in all of yoga is the Mountain Pose (Tadasana). Though seen as a mere “standing” position, it is quite active in regards to total bodily cooperation.

Stand up straight, imagining there is a string running from the base of your feet to the crown of your head. Widen your collarbones and lengthen your torso. Allow for your arms to fully extend by your side and come full circle. They should end up being directly above you. Continue to lengthen your side body. You should be feeling your oblique muscles actively participating. Keep your fingers spread wide, feeling energy emit from the tips of your nails. Breathe in for 3 seconds. Exhale for 6 seconds while slowly bringing your hands into prayer. If it helps, keep your gaze soft by staring out your window.

Marichyasana III (Ray of Light Pose):

Twisting positions in yoga are meant to ignite the muscles by generating heat and purifying the body. Though the Ray of Light Pose is a sitting position, you can execute it without colliding in with your roommates if they also partake.

First, find a relaxing spot on the ground. Extend one leg out (start with your left side) while keeping that foot firmly flexed. Your opposite leg (right side) should be bent at the knee with your heel nearing your sitting bone. Bend your left elbow and bring it directly over your bent knee. This should result in a twisting motion. Sit up straight without forcing the rotation to deepen your stretch. Once you have meditated on one side for 2 minutes, repeat with the opposite legs.

An important note to add is that any twisting pose, including Ray of Light Pose, should be practiced on an empty or near empty stomach.

Bakasana (Crane or Crow Pose):

Not only does this pose do wonders on your abdominals, if conquered correctly, your arm strength and balance with be greatly improved.

Come on to a squatting position and separate your feet hip width apart. Position your hands on the ground in front of you. Your knees should be almost tucked under your arm pits at this point. Now bring your knees up, resting on the backs of your arms. Begin to inch forward to the point where you feel both feet lift off the floor. To balance properly use your belly and pelvic floor to keep you airborne. Breathe and hold position for at least 5 breaths.

Crow Pose can also utilize props in your room like small blocks or stepping stools to rest and boost your feet.

The opinions expressed in Lyon’s column do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Barometer staff.

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