This year’s election, “Super Tuesday” hard to compare with 2008 results

Sean Bassinger

Fellow “Berners”—it’s time for a reality check.

What you see and hear on the dank stash of Bernie Sanders memes may be somewhat incorrect.

Now I’m not “calling” this game in the name of Hillary. I just want to set the record straight on who won this so-called “Super Tuesday” and what it all means going forward, because I’ve heard a lot of people make direct comparisons to this election and the 2008 primaries against Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

The 2016 primaries and caucuses took place across several states Tuesday night, which include Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont and Virginia.

Clinton won seven out of these 11 states, leaving her main opponent, Bernie Sanders, with Colorado, Minnesota, Oklahoma and Vermont.

It’s also important to note that each earned virtually the same amount of delegates in Massachusetts.

This could still potentially boil down to “10-4 Hillary with a tie between both in one state.”

It’s safe to say Hillary Clinton has won the equivalent of this year’s “Super Tuesday” primary elections.

So I couldn’t help but notice a circulation of memes, images and statements on the fact that Hillary Clinton “swept” Super Tuesday back in 2008 and her former opponent, Barack Obama, still won in the end.

In regards to these claims, some poll records reflect different results.

First, it’s important to distinguish between the fact that there were two “Super Tuesday” events in the 2008 election.

During the first “Super Tuesday” which took place Feb. 3, 2008, Obama took a total of 14 out of 24 states and regions that voted in the Democratic primaries, versus Clinton’s 10, according to primary poll data from the New York Times.

Now flash forward to “Super Tuesday II,” which took place on March 4 (sounds closer to the Super Tuesday we all got done talking about).

This is where Clinton “swept” Obama, winning three out of four states available: Ohio, Rhode Island and Texas. Obama won Vermont.

I’m concerned that this misconception of the fact that there was more than one “Super Tuesday” event in the 2008 election may mislead other supporters of Senator Sanders to think they’ve got this in the bag.

In addition, I’m also concerned that Hillary supporters will believe the same.

In reality, it’s still anybody’s game.

Robert Reich, former U.S. secretary of labor under the Clinton administration, said it best in a recent Facebook post:

“In the next few months the primary map starts tilting in Bernie’s favor: In later March: Maine, Michigan, Florida, Ohio, Illinois, Arizona, Washington state, and Hawaii. In April: Wisconsin, New York, Connecticut, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island. In May: Indiana and Oregon. In June, California, New Jersey, and New Mexico.”

Some of these states were included in the first “Super Tuesday” we saw Obama sweep in 2008, so in that regard there’s still a good chance for Sanders.

It’s also important to note, as also mentioned in a previous column from Riley Youngman, that superdelegates have the ability to switch sides if they please, and that overall delegate counts aren’t finalized until the Democratic National Convention in July.

So fellow Bernie fans: Stay loud and proud for your candidate, but make sure you’re still keeping up on more up-to-date information on the issues and not just spouting out “we can do this because we can” rhetoric.

Oh, and get out and vote before the Tuesday, May 17 deadline when you receive your ballot. That helps, too.

The opinions expressed in Bassinger’s column do not necessarily reflect those of The Daily Barometer staff.

[email protected]

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