ASOSU moves past impeachment

Cassie Huber’s Impeachment Trial

Riley Youngman, News Contributor

Following a non-guilty verdict in her impeachment trial overseen by the ASOSU Judicial branch and the senate, ASOSU President Cassie Huber has returned to her position as the Associated Students of Oregon State University president.

“I am extremely excited to be continuing out the rest of the year as the ASOSU president,” Huber said.

Huber made her first public appearance since being reinstated as the ASOSU president during the joint session over the resolution discussing issues raised during the speak out events. Huber swore back into office in front of the joint congress as part of the terms from her trial.

“Nothing will be easy in the upcoming new year as transitions and issues come up, but I can always promise that ASOSU will do its very best to continue our work to the students,” Huber said.

ASOSU Speaker of the House Mykael Moore, a senior in human development and family sciences, spoke about ASOSU’s commitment to the initiatives that have already been started and initiatives that will be addressed in the future.

“The impeachment was stressful, not just for those directly involved, but for ASOSU as a whole,” Moore said. “At this point we are gaining momentum.”

Moore oversaw the joint session of the ASOSU congress on the evening of Wednesday Nov. 18, and discussed projects such as a recently introduced idea to increase the availability of feminine products on campus without the financial burden students currently face.

“Above all it is my mission that we as a legislative body continue to listen to our students, and other organizations when they take the time and effort to tell us what they need,” Moore stated at the joint congress session.  “How do we regain the trust of the student organizations and students themselves and encourage them to collaborate with us on changes they want to see on campus?”

ASOSU Vice President Lyndi-Rae Petty, a junior in biology, assumed the duties of the president during Huber’s suspension, but has since returned to her assigned role as vice president.

“Although it was stressful for many of us, I truly believe that we have all learned a great deal from the past few weeks and will be able to come out of this stronger and better equipped for any challenge that we may face in the future,” Petty said.

Petty has resumed her duties as vice president, which include the Elections Committee chair.  Petty’s main goal for next term is going to be working to increase voter turnout in the spring.  Petty has a complex plan for implementing changes to the current election process and will start work on this task next term.

Rachel Grisham, a senior in public health and the ASOSU executive director of operations, recently oversaw the SIFC special election.  Grisham took on this role unexpectedly after Petty began to oversee the president’s duties.

“I think the election went alright for being a special election,” Grisham said. “The election was very reflective of why it is important for having time to plan.”

The ASOSU Senate meets Tuesday nights at 7 p.m. in the Journey Room in the Memorial Union.  The ASOSU House of Representatives meets Wednesday nights at 7 p.m. in the Journey Room as well.  Meetings are open to the public.  The ASOSU main offices can be found at 110 Student Experience Center on the Oregon State University campus.

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