Joe Biden declared 46th U.S. president-elect

President-elect Joe Biden and his vice presidential running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris, chat after a Zoom interview with People Magazine at the Hotel duPont in Wilmington, DE, August 14, 2020. Kamala Harris will be the first Black and Asian American female vice president in US history. photo licensed under CC By NC SA 2.0. 

Angela Tam, News Contributor

Correction: The number of states each candidate had won within the Electoral College was originally misstated. This has been corrected to reflect the accurate amount.

According to the Associated Press, former Vice President Joe Biden has achieved the 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidency after they called Pennsylvania for Biden. As of 9:00 a.m. Saturday, Biden has currently won 290 votes from 25 states — including Washington, D.C. — while Trump has won 214 votes from 23 states. 

Meanwhile, Biden has won 74,847,963 popular votes while Trump has won 70,591,853 popular votes. Biden broke former President Obama’s record for most votes cast for a U.S. presidential candidate by 5,349,447 votes. 

Biden will presumably take office as the 46th president of the United States, with running mate Calif. Senator Kamala Harris as the 46th vice president in January 2021. She will be the first Black and Asian American female vice president.

Before Election Day, Joe Biden was forecasted to win according to national polling, holding consistently near 50% while Donald Trump had been in the low to mid 40% range. Biden and Harris ran on a campaign challenging Trump and his ability to lead the country while Trump and Pence focused on the economy and foreign policy. On the Sunday before Election Day, Biden focused his campaign on Pennsylvania, one of the battleground states, while Trump campaigned in Michigan, Iowa, North Carolina, Georgia, and Florida — other battleground states. 

The 2020 election is expected to have the highest turnout rate since 1908. According to the US Elections Project, these are the current estimated statistics for US voting turnout: 

  • Total Votes: 158,835,257

  • Turn-out rate: 66.4%

Oregon voters have set a new record in the 2020 national election, casting more than 2.28 million votes as of Saturday 9:00 a.m. with 98% reporting. Biden has won the state with 57% of votes, earning 7 electoral votes with Trump winning 40.6% of the vote.

According to Benton County’s Election Results Report, there were a total of 60,558 registered voters with a current total of 52,555 ballots cast. Overall, voter turnout was at 86.78%. 

Key Battleground States

  • Florida — Trump: 51.2%  /  Biden: 47.9%

  • Pennsylvania — Biden: 49.7%  /  Trump: 49.2%

  • North Carolina — Trump: 50.1%  /  Biden: 48.7%

  • Michigan — Biden: 50.6% / Trump: 47.9% 

  • Arizona — Biden: 49.6%  /  Trump: 48.9%

  • Georgia — Biden: 49.5%  /  Trump: 49.3%

  • Wisconsin — Biden: 49.6%  /  Trump: 48.9%

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