Free registration funding available for students to attend Washington Oregon Higher Education Sustainability Conference

Haley Stark, News Reporter

Oregon State University is set to host 2023’s Washington Oregon Higher Education Sustainability Conference, an event centered on making Cascadia’s educational institutions more eco-friendly. 

The event will take place from March 6-8, occurring both on campus and remotely. Special guests and speakers include OSU’s president Dr. Jayathi Murthy and Distinguished Professor of Philosophy Kathleen Dean Moore.

Though the event is open to all, prices differ based on affiliation with OSU. The cost of general admission is $299, while individual students can attend for $175. A full list of prices is available here. 

However, not all students will have to pay to participate in the conference. The Student Sustainability Action Challenge is open to all students, consisting of a team competition to pitch the best sustainable solution with a grand prize of $500.

Additionally, the OSU Sustainability Office, Associated Students of Oregon State University Sustainability Council and Community Engagement & Leadership have joined forces to offer up to 90 students to participate free of charge.

By filling out the following survey by the Feb. 17 deadline, students will receive full funding to be able to attend WOHESC.For more information about the event, visit WOHESC’s website.

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