2020 Senior Spotlight: Olivia Harband

Orange Media Network

Orange Media Network’s annual Senior Spotlight features students who were nominated by mentors, teachers, peers and friends as people who have demonstrated leadership, grit, and perseverance during their college careers and in this unprecedented time.

Name: Olivia Harband

One time I was challenged at OSU was…

When it gets close to finals week and I realize that I bit off more than I can chew… I always have to scale back and take the time to realign my goals and expectations for my projects. Its always a struggle letting go of that original vision but sometimes you find an even better alternative once you start to think creatively.


The people who helped me get to where I am today are…

My family for their unwavering support and encouragement, for listening to me rant over the phone and for pushing me to do exactly what I wanted to do and nothing less. My friends have been the brightest light in my OSU experience, I have worked alongside some of the most talented and inspiring young people and I will always be grateful for that. And finally my teachers for setting really high expectations for me which encouraged me to buckle down and work really hard.


After graduation, I am…

I will be back home in beautiful Mill Valley, California working to drum up casual creative gigs and reconnect with mentors in the fashion industry. I will have my eyes peeled for job opportunities related to merchandising, marketing, media, and anything linked to fashion, of course. I will also be taking the extra time to refine my portfolio and learn new skills aka. getting a little too good at tie-dying.


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