OSU offers resources to ease the transition to remote classes

Larissa Hommes, left, Adam Peckenpaugh and Kelly Holcomb work at the Valley Library’s Circulation Desk. The Circulation Desk offers 39 Dell Latitude laptops available for day, week and term-long borrowing.

Haley Daarstad, News Contributor

The shift to remote classes following OSU’s COVID-19 precautionary procedures could potentially be difficult for students, but Oregon State University offers resources that can ease the transition. 

From students who don’t have access to the internet or a computer at home, to those who struggle with learning remotely, OSU resources aim to accommodate students who may have these issues, in preparation for spring term classes.

Larry Rodgers, dean of the College of Liberal Arts, highlighted some resources for those who stay on campus for spring term. He said OSU is urging students to stay on campus and to be present throughout the term.

“If they stay at OSU, they have access to the OSU network and access to the computer labs. The library makes a number of laptops available to students, and other areas have computer-lending opportunities as well,” Rodgers said. 

Currently, OSU is expected to remain open thus still providing much of it’s normal resources, like free internet. Multiple businesses around town also provide free wi-fi, like Coffee Culture and Starbucks. 

Brooklyn Andrew, a second year marketing student at OSU, is one of those students who does not have access to a laptop at home. Her laptop broke last term and she is unable to afford to fix it because of her rent and tuition costs. Since her laptop broke, Andrew has been renting a laptop from the Valley Library to complete her homework. 

The Valley Library’s long-term laptop loaning program, which provides term-long Dell Latitude laptops, can be a beneficial resource for those like Andrew who don’t have access to a personal laptop.

With concerns about COVID-19, OSU has decided to instill social distancing policies, and courses will be taught remotely for the entirety of spring term.

While Andrew understands that these protocols are to protect people, and she doesn’t mind moving classes online, she said the whole situation is causing her a lot of anxiety and stress over whether the resources she is currently using may stop being provided. 

While spring term classes are going to be conducted remotely, campus will remain open indefinitely, and resources will continue to be provided to students who need them. 

The OSU COVID-19 website recommends students contact their department first to see what resources they are providing, and if there are no resources or programs available, the website then suggests students contact the IS Service Desk.

 The Academic Success Center is also working to help students with the transition to remote learning by keeping their services readily available, but with precautionary measures. 

According to the Academic Success Center, they will be practicing social distancing, so there is a text line and email that students can use to contact the center. 

“We are also working on developing links and materials to help students navigate the new platforms, and are hoping to get those on our website by [March 27],” an employee said. 

To contact the Academic Success Center for resources, students can text them at 541-444-5906, call at 541-737-2272, or email [email protected].

Resources and solutions for these issues are being worked through currently by the OSU administration. Oregon State as a whole has never experienced anything like this before. 

“Nonetheless, everyone in the university is absolutely committed on an hour-by-hour, day-by-day basis to doing our best to support every single student at OSU,” Rodgers said.

If there are any questions in regards to OSU’s new policies due to the coronavirus, people can contact OSU’s COVID-19 hotline at 541-737-7211.

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