Police Log: Dec. 13

General Police Log Graphic

Chloe Stewart, News Contributor

Thursday, Dec. 13


Trespass II

An officer was dispatched to a local complex after receiving reports of an individual yelling at the complex’s owner. When the officer arrived, the individual had left the area and the officer was able to speak to the complex’s owner. The owner stated that the individual had yelled obscenities at them and accused them of throwing away their property. The owner indicated that they had removed some of the property from behind one of the stores in the complex as it was a fire hazard. The owner also indicated that they wanted this individual trespassed from the complex. The individual was later located and admitted to yelling at the property owner because they had thrown away some of their property, which made them very upset. According to the log, the individual went on to include that he should not have because the property owner had been nothing but nice to him and even allowed them to use the restroom in the complex. The individual was served a trespass notice and indicated they understood they could not return to the complex.


Illegal Camping Public Property

Officers posted a camp on a gravel bar surrounded by the Mary’s River. The Corvallis Fire Department assisted the officers in accessing the camp. Due to the camp’s location, the officers were concerned by the possibility of water levels rising, which would cause risk to a person sleeping in the tent.

The tent was unoccupied, but it appeared as though someone had been sleeping in it previously. The officer posted the illegal campsite with a camp notice and took photos for evidence and record-keeping.

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