Letter from the Editors: We are all students

The Baro Staff

 When tragic incidents happen on campus, our staff has a plan ready to go. We wish we didn’t have to. 

Although it is our job as a news organization to keep you updated with the facts and breaking news, it is also our obligation to recognize when students are struggling.

We want you to know that we too are students. We have members on our staff who witnessed last night’s events first-hand and have been affected by it. 

Just as we are speaking to those members of our staff, we want to share with the community opportunities and resources for support. 

Several people have been offering guidance and resources to the student body, specifically through the Facebook page Things Overheard at OSU.

We would like to reiterate these sentiments and encourage those affected by last night’s incident to reach out if they need support.

Unfortunately, this is not the first time we have shared resources on our campus due to a tragic incident. We know that just a list of support offered by the university isn’t enough, but it’s a start.

OSU and the community offer several resources for people in need of support:

–Counseling and Psychological Services: 541-737-2131

–National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-232-7192 or text “273TALK” to 839863

–Benton County Mental Health Crisis number: 541-766-6844.

CAPS provides individual, couple and group counseling. Additionally, it is home to the Mind Spa, a single-use relaxation area. The Mind Spa offers a prayer or meditation corner, a full-body massage chair and biofeedback modules that monitor vitals such as skin temperature and heart rate.

The Mind Spa is open Monday-Friday 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Students can click here to schedule appointments online: https://bit.ly/2Hs3tWR

The Barometer will keep the community updated as more information becomes available.

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