Best of: Live Entertainment

Sam Lay, guitarist and singer for Lacunas belts out a song and melts faces at Bombs Away Cafe.

Brock Hulse, News Contributor

Bombs Away Cafe

Bombs Away Cafe continues to stand out in the Corvallis community for its live music atmosphere.

Located at the top of Monroe Ave. right across from the Oregon State University campus, Bombs Away Cafe has been a part of the Corvallis community for over two decades.

Bombs Away offers Southwestern food with a Northwestern style, a large selection of local microbrews and a variety of tequila, all of which can be enjoyed within its down-to-earth location in either their spacious front room or their cozy Back Alley.

Food and drinks aren’t the only things that make Bombs Away stand out in a community with a wide variety of cuisines to pick from, as the heart and soul of Bombs Away Cafe comes from its live music.

Cloud Davidson, Bombs Away Cafe’s owner, attributes live music to the continued success of Bombs Away.

“Live music has been and will always be the driver,” Davidson said.

Davidson also attributes Bombs Away’s history of ownership by musicians to the continued success as an entertainment hotspot.

“Since the beginning it’s (Bombs Away Cafe) been owned by musicians, including myself,” Davidson said. “Maybe that’s why it remains important in the community, continued ownership and labor from those in the community with love for live, local music.”

Bombs Away Cafe is located at the top of Monroe at 2527 NW Monroe Ave., and is open Monday through Friday from 11 a.m. to midnight and Saturday from 5 p.m. to midnight. 

A full list of planned live music and events can be found on the Bombs Away website at

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