Students find ways to be productive over winter break

Sydney Sullivan, News Contributor

Advisors provide opportunities for students to be productive on break.

The documents are chosen and an index finger hovers tentatively over the mouse. This is the last piece of work to submit and then it is all complete. An index finger finally clicks ‘Submit’ and winter break has finally begun.

Although winter break is just around the corner, that does not mean that academic and professional productivity must come to a halt.

According to Terina McLachlain, a program coordinator and academic advisor for the Natural Resource Program, students can utilize time during breaks by conducting research on careers and scouting potential employers. 

“I always suggest that students find their dream job and work backward from there,” McLachlain said in an email. “Ask yourself, ‘What kind of education, skills and experience will I need to have to get my dream job?’ It is never too early to start looking to the future”. 

According to McLachlain, when students have a good idea of the kinds of jobs that are available to them in their field of study, they are better prepared to plan their class schedules and build their resume.

“Look at job descriptions and don’t forget to check out professional organizations for your field for career-building advice,” McLachlain said in an email. 

Winter term specifically is a great time to look for those summer internships, according to McLachlain. During the summer, many businesses and federal and state agencies will be hiring, and gaining work experience in the field is important for all students, McLachlain added.  

Richard Nafshun, a senior instructor in the Chemistry Department, suggests students read, play games, socialize, volunteer and avoid or minimize exposure to screens and antisocial games. 

“Stay healthy and mindful and up and not fall behind on responsibilities,” Nafshun said in an email.  

According to McLachlain, the worst thing to do on winter break as a student is to not check one’s OSU email. 

“We still send important information out over winter break and you need to check in so you don’t miss it,” McLachlain said in an email. 

Lauren Gibson, a senior studying civil engineering and Spanish, will be spending her winter break traveling to Quito, Ecuador and then to Cusco, Peru and to Machu Picchu.

“I’m going there for the adventure and experience and to further practice my Spanish,” Gibson said in an email.

Gibson is looking forward to taking in the new environment, as well as growing closer with her sister. 

“If I weren’t traveling I’m not sure what I would be doing for break. All my family is spread out in different areas so it’s hard to go home for break because we’re all spread out,” Gibson said in an email. “Then I always wanted to study abroad but I couldn’t make it work with my school schedule. Therefore, I thought a fun alternative would just be to travel.” 

According to McLachlain student and staff are lucky this year because they are being provided a nice, long winter break.

“Other than lots of relaxing with friends and family, I would suggest that students also spend some time outside whenever possible, read a book for pleasure and do something kind for someone else,” McLachlain said in an email.

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