Second dose of meningococcal type B vaccination available


The Baro Staff

The second dose of the meningococcal type B vaccination was distributed on Monday and will be available again on Tuesday in the MU Ballroom from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Nearly 2,000 students received the first vaccination for the disease last term. For best effects, students are strongly encouraged to get the second step in the vaccination process.  

According to Jenny Haubenreiser, executive director of Student Health Services, the second dose will increase the longevity of protection. Along with the vaccine lasting longer, a second dose will also strengthen the first dose that students got last term.

“The risk to students is that they will not be getting the highest level of protection from the disease without getting all doses of the vaccine,” said Dr. Jeff Mull, the medical director of Student Health Services, in an email. “Students will be less likely to develop immunity from a single dose, and the immunity would be more likely to wane. The nature of this disease requires that all students who are deemed at highest risk get the full series of their vaccine to lessen the likelihood that another student will become ill.”

Students are encouraged to attend the clinics regardless of insurance status or ability to pay.

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