OSU Board of Trustees votes to increase tuition

The public was invited to listen to the telephonic meeting in the MU Journey room.

The Baro Staff

Today, the Oregon State University Board of Trustees voted to increase tuition rates for fiscal year 2018. The University Budget Committee’s recommendation of a four percent increase to in-state students and a two percent increase for out-of-state students was accepted by a near-unanimous vote by the Board. The lone dissenting voice was Student Trustee Brett Morgan, who also serves as the vice president of ASOSU. For graduate student tuition, click here

Shortly after the meeting was over, OSU President Ed Ray sent an email to the entire OSU community in which he directed students to a new budget explanation website and offered his concerns that the state government has not accepted he and the other public university presidents’ proposal for a $100 million increase.

“I did not propose larger tuition increases despite pending budget shortfalls because I realize that many students are heavily burdened already with student loans and other concerns,” Ray said. “Our students should not bear the brunt of covering an anticipated shortfall in state funding for higher education. In fact, students must remain Oregon State’s first priority for support so that they can continue to pursue their studies, graduate and prosper in life and career.”

The Barometer will continue to update this story as it develops.

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