Intramural sports: the do’s and don’ts of

Brian Rathbone News/Sports Chief

Do play intramural sports: 

IM sports are a great way to continue to play 

Do make sure you team shows up: When your team doesn’t show up, not only 


Don’t be team that harrasses the refs: 

These games are reffed by students with minimal refereeing experience. 


Do be competitive: 

Competition is healthy, and IM sports are a great way to foster competitiveness. 


Don’t be too competitive: 

While competition is good, there’s no need to try and relive your high school glory days or try unfulfilled athletic career.


Don’t wear shooter sleeve: 

Unless you’re draining three’s at the same rate as Ray Allen, leave the shooter’s sleeve at home. Or else you’ll look like former OSU kicker Trevor Romaine, and no one wants that. 


Do be respectful:  

Respect the refs, respect the other team, respect the game. Do all of these and you’ll have a great IM experience. 

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