What’s next for Clinton, Sanders, primary election system

Sean Bassinger, Forum editor

June 7, which may come to be known as “the day of political reckoning,” is upon us.

The Democratic National Convention will not take place until July, but the primary contests of what continues to be one of the wackiest election periods of our time will reach a pivotal moment in a week for now.

California, which will award each candidate a mixture of 500 total delegates, will take place along with the primaries in Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico and a South Dakota Caucus. In addition, Puerto Rico will hold its primary, which offers around 60 delegates, on Sunday, June 5.

Bernie Sanders, everyone’s favorite Larry David impersonator, could easily be awarded the majority of delegates. This would not necessarily put him ahead of Hillary Clinton, but his campaign could reaffirm claims that his uphill battle continues with great force (and a very good chance of persuading the superdelegates at the DNC).

Hillary Clinton, America’s “cool” aunt who will stop at nothing to relate to her nephews and nieces, could surprise and astonish (and likely infuriate the “Berner” masses) if she “clinches” the nomination as many news outlets have predicted, and sweeps through victories over the next week.

Either way, there’s a pretty good chance we’re looking at a contested convention, as neither one of the candidates would likely win the nearly 2,300 delegates needed (that’s pledged delegates, not superdelegates) for the party’s nomination.

Regardless of the outcome, both will have to likely work together in the end to ensure a Democratic victory for the White House.

Unfortunately, some supporters on both sides have seemed a bit rough.

Take, for instance, the continued conversation on the premise of “Bernie Bros.”

In a February article from The Slate, author Amanda Hess touches on the unfortunate reality of some pro-Bernie supporters who have been rather sexist when they combat Hillary fans. She offers an objective look into the reality of the situation, also citing Glenn Greenwald’s article titled “The ‘Bernie Bros’ Narrative: a Cheap Campaign Tactic Masquerading as Journalism and Social Activism.”

The overall reality of the situation is that we merely have a select group of jerks who just happen to be making others look bad.

Meanwhile, as Greenwald’s article points out, some Hillary supporters have been just as ridiculous in their own way.

Again, each author proves a point in regards to how this seems to originate from both sides. But that just seems to be politics as of late.

The left will need to find ways to reunite regardless of the turnout.

Because, as I stated in my May 12 column, we cannot let this get out of hand.

But unfortunately, as this election season has displayed, it appears as though we’re in quite the cooperative bind as a nation.

I liked the idea that John Oliver suggested on “Last Week Tonight”: We should not care only about the primary process when primary season happens, but get angry about the disorganization later after this all boils over.

His suggestion? We should write the RNC and DNC around February 2017.

Sounds like a worthy cooperative effort to me.

Meanwhile, let’s hope that we can work together as a society and government in the near future.

We’re going to need to do something.

The opinions expressed in Bassinger’s column do not necessarily reflect those of The Daily Barometer staff.

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