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The Daily Barometer

The Student News Site of Oregon State University

The Daily Barometer

The Student News Site of Oregon State University

The Daily Barometer

All content by William Ross
Some community members advocate preservation of the historical structure, which will be replaced in 2022, but no new owner has stepped up yet.Photo taken before coronavirus shelter-in-place order.

Future of historic Van Buren Bridge in Corvallis still uncertain

William Ross, News Contributor
May 28, 2020

In 2022, Corvallis residents will have to say goodbye to the Van Buren Street Bridge in its current location—but perhaps not to the bridge itself.The Oregon Department of Transportation currently owns...

Iris Fu is a high school senior, graduating during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Iris Fu: Preparing to graduate high school, start at Stanford during a pandemic

William Ross, News Contributor
April 24, 2020

This Q&A is the thirteenth in a 19-part series, "19 COVID-19 Stories," updated on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, diving into the unique perspectives of the Corvallis community as they face COVID-19...

Joel Goodwin is a lieutenant with the Corvallis Police Department.

Joel Goodwin: Serving Corvallis during COVID-19

William Ross, News Contributor
April 17, 2020

This Q&A is the tenth in a 19-part series, "19 COVID-19 Stories," updated on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, diving into the unique perspectives of the Corvallis community as they face COVID-19 and...

Mike King is the senior pastor at Suburban Christian Church, located in Corvallis, Ore.

Mike King: Preaching the gospel in unpredictable times

William Ross, News Reporter
April 9, 2020

This Q&A is the seventh in a 19-part series, "19 COVID-19 Stories," updated on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, diving into the unique perspectives of the Corvallis community as they face COVID-19...

Maria Adams, a kindergarten teacher at Wilson Elementary School in Corvallis, Ore. holds class pet Hugo the Chinchilla.

Maria Adams: Building community through education

William Ross, News Reporter
March 31, 2020

This Q&A is the third in a 19-part series, "19 COVID-19 Stories," updated on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, diving into the unique perspectives of the Corvallis community as they face COVID-19 and...

A crowd stands outside the Kerr Administration Building in the afternoon of March 5 to sign a Coalition of Graduate Employees petition.

Coalition of Graduate Employees confront OSU President Ed Ray during rally

William Ross, News Contributor
March 9, 2020

Correction: This article incorrectly represented Graduate Employee Andrea Haverkamp's statements and questions to Oregon State University President Ed Ray. This mistake has been fixed. The Barometer regrets...

An illustration depicting the way sound travels in residential areas. Renters can prevent a visit from the police by following city and state noise laws.

Noise, fire safety laws aim to protect Corvallis residents

William Ross, News Contributor
March 2, 2020

Noise complaints and fire danger are not always at the top of student’s minds as they approach renting an apartment, but following city laws and guidelines can protect new renters from fees and harm.According...

Two cyclists wait behind a car as they navigate their way around downtown Corvallis. The Corvallis City Council recently voted to direct funds toward future safety projects.

Corvallis City Council approves amendment to set aside funds for pedestrian, cyclist safety

William Ross, News Contributor
February 24, 2020

After sustained community pressure, the Corvallis City Council reached a decision regarding pedestrian and cyclist safety funding going forward.The Corvallis City Council passed an amendment to the Transportation...

Andrea Haverkamp, an OSU employee, uses her fist to notify students attending Feser's class that it is time for them to leave, as Feser's class ended at 2:50 p.m.

Protesters interrupt OSU Provost Ed Feser’s class for petition signature

William Ross, News Contributor
February 20, 2020

A group of graduate employees and students interrupted Provost and Executive Vice President Edward Feser’s weekly lecture, demanding him to sign a petition. Oregon State University graduate employees,...

Kevin Houser, Ph.D Professor of the Architectural Engineer Program points out the exposed electrical components in Owen Hall.

New Architectural Engineering program becomes first of its kind in Pacific Northwest

William Ross, News Contributor
February 17, 2020

Architectural Engineering has been added to the College of Engineering. This will be the first program of its kind available for students in the Pacific Northwest. The Architectural Engineering program...

(2020) Jay Thatcher, a Corvallis resident and retired physical education teacher, speaks to the City Council about the hazards on Third St. on Feb. 3. The street has been the site of two pedestrian deaths within the last few years, the most recent occurred in early January when an 11-year-old girl was struck by a car while crossing in a designated crosswalk.

Corvallis City Council to vote again on pedestrian, cyclist safety funding

William Ross, News Contributor
February 10, 2020

On Feb. 18, the Corvallis City Council will come to a final vote on an amendment directing at least 1% of the Transportation Maintenance Fee for pedestrian and bike safety, which would total between $24,000-26,000.The...

Flowers and signs placed around the crosswalk on SW Third Street in Corvallis in remembrance of an 11-year-old who was fatally hit early last month.

Corvallis City Council to vote on amendment to direct funds for pedestrian, cyclist safety

William Ross, News Contributor
February 3, 2020

Monday evening the Corvallis City Council will meet to consider a proposed amendment to the Transportation Maintenance Fee, which could bring $30,000 of additional funding for pedestrian and cyclist safety.With...

Flowers left at the memorial to an 11-year-old girl at a crosswalk on Highway 99/Third Street in early January. This death, as well as others in the Corvallis area in the past 18 months, have prompted community members to call on the city government and the state of Oregon to improve crosswalk safety among other improvements.

Corvallis community members voice concerns for pedestrian safety after fatal accident

William Ross, News Contributor
January 27, 2020

Rebecka Weinsteiger, a Corvallis resident and community activist, says she will not drive to work until the speed limit is lowered on the stretch of Highway 99/Third Street in south Corvallis where an...

Mason McDowell(third from the right), MAPS conference lead organizer this year, standing with attendees of the 2019 conference. The 2019 MAPS conference focused on minorities in general, moving forward, there will be a spotlight on a specific minority groups each year. The 2020 conference will focus on the LGBTQIA+ community in the medical field. 

MAPS conference to include focused spotlight on LGBTQIA+ community

William Ross, News Contributor
January 21, 2020

The Minority Association of Premedical students will be hosting their second conference since forming, this upcoming Saturday. Unlike last year’s conference, this 2020 event will have a focused spotlight...

Wisecracks Cafe, located in downtown Corvallis, offers classic breakfast dishes as well as a restaurant specials. While the owners have remained the same, the restaurant has undergone rebranding and taken on this new name within the last year. 

Best of 2020: Corvallis early morning eats

William Ross, News Contributor
January 21, 2020

First place: New Morning BakeryNew Morning Bakery in downtown Corvallis is a spot where residents can stop and enjoy breakfast before heading out for the day. The bakery was also voted as the best early...

A bear stands guard over the children's section in The Book Bin, voted one of the best bookstores in Corvallis by community members.

Best of 2020: Corvallis bookstores

William Ross, News Contributor
January 21, 2020

First place: OSU Beaver StoreThe OSU Beaver Store, located across from the Gill Coliseum on the Oregon State University campus, was voted as the best bookstore in Corvallis.The Beaver Store’s General...

The hills of McDonald-Dunn Forest stand in the distance, veiled in a thin layer of mist.   

Best of 2020: Corvallis outdoor recreation locations

William Ross, News Contributor
January 18, 2020

First place: Mary's PeakMarys Peak is a mountain with the highest peak in Oregon’s coast range. With its wildlife and recreational opportunities, Marys Peak was voted the best outdoor location. Marys...

The annual MLK day of service will be held at the Lasells Stewart Center Saturday, Jan. 18. This is one of many events celebrating the late King.

Upcoming Martin Luther King Jr. day of service event aims ‘to create community and reflect on MLK’s vision’

William Ross, News Contributor
January 13, 2020

With Martin Luther King Jr. Day upon the horizon, Oregon State University will host the day of service on Jan. 18 with the goal to honor and continue the work that civil rights activist King set out. This...

Dan Rockwell and his mother Cloudy Rockwell stand outside the First Alternative Natural Foods Co-Op to protest the non-functioning crosswalk light. 

Death of pedestrian using crosswalk triggers protest to replace burnt-out lights

William Ross, News Contributor
January 13, 2020

On Friday, a protest was held on the 1000 block of Southwest 3rd Street, after a car hit an 11-year-old girl due to a burnt-out street light on Jan. 8. The protest began at 2:30 p.m., with the goal to...

The Sunrise Climate Movement held a rally on Dec. 6 in front of the Kerr Administration building, where protesters demanded OSU continue their commitment to becoming carbon neutral by 2025. 

Sunrise, community protest with the goal to stand up against climate change, get OSU administration’s attention

William Ross, News Contributor
December 7, 2019

A crowd holding signs demanding action, and chanting for change is what one may have witnessed yesterday afternoon while passing the Kerr Administration Building at Oregon State University. This crowd...

A paper snowflake, representing the upcoming holiday break, is held up in front of the International Living-Learning Center. Some international students will not be able to go home over winter break. 

International students to spend break on campus

William Ross, News Contributor
December 2, 2019

Winter break is almost upon Oregon State University. While most will go home to visit family and relax, some international students will remain on campus.With classes done until winter term, OSU can appear...

Organizer of the protest and OSU environmental sciences student Emily Barnett (far left) and members of the protest holding up signs protesting Oregon State University’s Clark Meat Lab on Campus Way.

Protesters disagree with OSU meat production practices

William Ross, News Contributor
November 26, 2019

Clarification: the title of this article was updated to clarify the purpose of the protest. People in the Corvallis and surrounding communities gathered outside the Clark Meat Lab on Campus Way to have...

Iris Fu, the author of “Gateway to American Economics: An Introduction for Young Students on Their Way,” is 17 years-old and part-time student at OSU and at Crescent Valley High School. She is pictured here in Kelley Engineering Center, where she spent most of her time while producing the economics book.

17-year-old self-publishes book on economics after perceiving a gender gap in the field

William Ross, News Contributor
November 12, 2019

While most students dread buying textbooks, 17-year-old Iris Fu, part-time Oregon State University student, wrote and published her own in September, inspired by the push for more women in the field of...

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