Olympics Opening Ceremony watch party in Reser Stadium

Olympics Opening Ceremony watch party in Reser Stadium

Anna Weeks, Multimedia Contributor

Oregon State University community members gathered for a viewing party of the Rio 2016 Olympics Opening Ceremony in the Club Level seats of Reser Stadium on August 5.

Modeling this event after a successful World Cup watch party, UHDS is teaming up with INTO OSU, Counseling & Psychological Services, OSU Athletics, Memorial Union, MU Basement, International Programs, OSU Libraries, and Diversity & Cultural Engagement to celebrate the Olympic Games.

“Working with international students and with OSU being such an international community, we thought it was a really great way to bring our American faculty, staff, and students together with our international faculty, staff and students and have a great celebration of world cultures,” said Jacqueline Chambers, the Homestay Program Coordinator for OSU University Housing and Dining Services.

Partygoers of all ages participated in activities including a photo booth, Olympic-themed bingo, and raffle with prizes donated from several departments on campus.

There will be other free watch parties held throughout the duration of the Olympics in a variety of places on campus. The games will also be airing during normal business hours at the following locations: Arnold Dining Center, Asian & Pacific Cultural Center, Centro Cultural de Cesar Chavez, Memorial Union Commons, and Recreational Sports.

“It’s a world-wide event and we want to bring our global community together, have something to do for the next few weeks, and be able to cheer on your home country,” said Chambers.

The Closing Ceremony viewing event will be held at the Club Level seats of Reser Stadium on August 21. The doors will open at 3:30 pm.

Information on upcoming Olympic viewing events throughout the next few weeks can be found on the website: uhds.link/rio2016

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